How well Men's Glasses sell on Poshmark

Men's Glasses on Poshmark: High Avg. Sale Price & Faster Sell Time; Strong Market Position

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Key Statistics for Men's Glasses

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #178
  • Total Revenue: $57820.0
  • Items Sold: 718
  • Average Sale Price: $80.53
  • Unique Sellers: 524
  • Average Sales Per Day: 23.16
  • Average Days to Sell: 75.44 days

Overview of Men's Glasses

Men's Glasses category on Poshmark generated $57,820 in revenue from 718 items sold by 524 unique sellers, with an average sale price of $80.53 and average days to sell at 75.44.

Market Position of Men's Glasses

The category's average sale price of $80.53 is significantly higher than the marketplace average of $39.74 and the median sale price of $23. The average days to sell for Men's Glasses is 75.44 days, which is much faster compared to the overall marketplace average of approximately 84.2 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
175 Women's Bike Shorts $60557 2859 $21 2433 57 days
176 Kids Jeans $60361 4157 $15 3212 83 days
177 Kids Pajama Sets $60342 3598 $17 2441 82 days
178 Men's Glasses $57820 718 $81 524 75 days
179 Women's Serum & Face Oil Skincare $56743 1686 $34 1096 195 days
180 Women's Chemises & Slips $56558 2219 $25 1882 100 days
181 Men's Windbreakers $56496 1637 $35 1495 83 days

Sales Performance of Men's Glasses

With 718 items sold and an average sale price of $80.53, the category shows strong revenue generation. The average sales per day is 23.16, indicating consistent demand. The average days to sell being 75.44 days is an indicator of faster turnover compared to the overall marketplace.

Top Brands in Men's Glasses on Poshmark

  1. Cartier - Revenue: $8017.00
  2. Oakley - Revenue: $7633.00
  3. Gucci - Revenue: $5541.00

Top Sellers in Men's Glasses on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Men's Glasses:

  1. lynettecasti162 - Revenue: $1500.00
  2. space4glam - Revenue: $1071.00
  3. sunday_sun_day - Revenue: $1041.00

Recommendation 👍

The Men's Glasses category outperforms the marketplace averages in terms of average sale price and speed of sales, indicating a high demand and efficient market.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing to leverage the strong market demand. Regular promotions and updating inventory to match trends could further enhance sales performance.

Top Categories in Men

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2720330
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2478211
  3. Men's Accessories - Revenue: $1249910

Related Subcategories to Men's Glasses

  1. Men's Watches - Revenue: $271102
  2. Men's Hats - Revenue: $245070
  3. Men's Sunglasses - Revenue: $209751
  4. Men's Jewelry Accessories - Revenue: $121241
  5. Men's Belts - Revenue: $104663
  6. Men's Ties - Revenue: $72435
  7. Men's Glasses - Revenue: $57820
  8. Men's Key & Card Holders - Revenue: $29808
  9. Men's Scarves - Revenue: $15228
  10. Men's Gloves - Revenue: $9444
  11. Men's Cuff Links - Revenue: $8378
  12. Men's Money Clips - Revenue: $5695
See all categories
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