How well Home Blankets & Throws sell on Poshmark

Analysis of Home Blankets & Throws on Poshmark: $117715 revenue, 2647 items sold, $44.47 avg sale price, 1804 unique sellers.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Home Blankets & Throws

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #112
  • Total Revenue: $117715.0
  • Items Sold: 2647
  • Average Sale Price: $44.47
  • Unique Sellers: 1804
  • Average Sales Per Day: 85.39
  • Average Days to Sell: 147.71 days

Overview of Home Blankets & Throws

The Home Blankets & Throws category generated $117715 in revenue from 2647 items sold with an average sale price of $44.47, involving 1804 unique sellers.

Market Position of Home Blankets & Throws

Home Blankets & Throws ranks #112 in revenue compared to other categories on Poshmark. The category's average sale price of $44.47 is higher than the overall marketplace average of $39.74 and significantly higher than the median sale price of $23.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
109 Men's Lightweight & Shirt Jackets $124667 3104 $40 2780 91 days
110 Women's Utility Jackets $123757 3118 $40 2857 82 days
111 Men's Jewelry Accessories $121241 923 $131 578 170 days
112 Home Blankets & Throws $117715 2647 $44 1804 148 days
113 Women's Slippers $117697 3162 $37 2779 95 days
114 Kids Puffers $116360 3137 $37 2825 89 days
115 Women's Bomber Jackets $115953 2302 $50 2193 90 days

Sales Performance of Home Blankets & Throws

This category has an average sales per day of 85.39 with items taking an average of 147.71 days to sell, which is faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (or approximately 84.22 days). The higher average sale price suggests a strong market demand and willingness to pay more for these items.

Top Brands in Home Blankets & Throws on Poshmark

  1. Hello Kitty - Revenue: $12613.00
  2. Pendleton - Revenue: $6575.00
  3. Disney - Revenue: $6477.00

Top Sellers in Home Blankets & Throws on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Home Blankets & Throws:

  1. vickiven - Revenue: $3053.00
  2. abelvill - Revenue: $1822.00
  3. mimi61318 - Revenue: $1290.00

Recommendation 👍

The category outperforms the overall marketplace in terms of average sale price and days to sell. Despite ranking #112 in revenue, the strong sales performance metrics indicate a healthy demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and consider adding detailed descriptions and attractive photos to capitalize on the higher average sale price. Utilizing promotions and seasonal trends could further enhance sales velocity.

Top Categories in Home

  1. Home Bedding - Revenue: $402938
  2. Home Accents - Revenue: $359968
  3. Home Dining - Revenue: $355370

Related Subcategories to Home Blankets & Throws

  1. Home Blankets & Throws - Revenue: $117715
  2. Home Sheets - Revenue: $73619
  3. Home Duvet Covers - Revenue: $71316
  4. Home Quilts - Revenue: $39129
  5. Home Pillows - Revenue: $31633
  6. Home Comforters - Revenue: $30901
See all categories
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