How well Home Decor Accents sell on Poshmark

Analysis of Home Decor Accents on Poshmark: $109395 revenue, 3901 items sold, 2634 sellers. Revenue Rank: #120.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Home Decor Accents

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #120
  • Total Revenue: $109395.0
  • Items Sold: 3901
  • Average Sale Price: $28.04
  • Unique Sellers: 2634
  • Average Sales Per Day: 125.84
  • Average Days to Sell: 125.85 days

Overview of Home Decor Accents

Home Decor Accents generated $109395 in revenue with 3901 items sold by 2634 unique sellers over the past month. The average sale price was $28.04, with an average of 125.84 sales per day and an average of 125.85 days to sell an item.

Market Position of Home Decor Accents

Home Decor Accents ranks #120 in revenue among all categories on Poshmark. The average sale price of $28.04 is below the marketplace average of $39.74, but the median sale price of $23 is slightly above the all-categories median. The category performs moderately in terms of sales volume but has a slower turnover rate compared to the marketplace average.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
117 Women's Skorts $110598 4721 $23 3890 66 days
118 Men's Vests $110281 2647 $42 2350 67 days
119 Men's Bomber & Varsity Jackets & Coats $109771 1659 $66 1520 106 days
120 Home Decor Accents $109395 3901 $28 2634 126 days
121 Men's Dress Shirts $106782 4273 $25 3427 112 days
122 Men's Belts $104663 2065 $51 1760 89 days
123 Women's Over the Knee Boots $104340 1430 $73 1272 119 days

Sales Performance of Home Decor Accents

The category's average sale price of $28.04 is lower than the overall marketplace average of $39.74, indicating a lower price point for items sold. However, the median sale price is $23, which is slightly higher than the all-categories median, suggesting a consistent middle-range pricing. The average days to sell (125.85 days) is significantly lower than the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours), indicating faster turnover in this category.

Top Brands in Home Decor Accents on Poshmark

  1. Vintage - Revenue: $11990.00
  2. Serena & Lily - Revenue: $4433.00
  3. Swarovski - Revenue: $3406.00

Top Sellers in Home Decor Accents on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Home Decor Accents:

  1. kiki_strange - Revenue: $4433.00
  2. dee0013 - Revenue: $870.00
  3. misawarner - Revenue: $828.00

Recommendation 👌

Home Decor Accents shows moderate performance with a decent sales volume and faster turnover compared to the overall marketplace. However, the lower average sale price suggests potential for revenue growth.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on increasing the average sale price by offering higher-value items or bundling products. Additionally, enhancing product listings with better descriptions and images could attract more buyers and justify higher prices.

Top Categories in Home

  1. Home Bedding - Revenue: $402938
  2. Home Accents - Revenue: $359968
  3. Home Dining - Revenue: $355370

Related Subcategories to Home Decor Accents

  1. Home Decor Accents - Revenue: $109395
  2. Home Candles & Holders - Revenue: $64679
  3. Home Accent Pillows - Revenue: $35174
  4. Home Curtains & Drapes - Revenue: $26824
  5. Home Vases - Revenue: $19521
  6. Home Picture Frames - Revenue: $11650
  7. Home Baskets & Bins - Revenue: $10312
  8. Home Coffee Table Books - Revenue: $6743
See all categories
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