Vineyard Vines Sales Stats on Poshmark
Current Vineyard Vines performance metrics on Poshmark (last 30 days)
- Revenue Rank: #189
- Total Revenue: $78777
- Items Sold: 3859
- Average Sale Price: $20
- Unique Sellers: 2953
- Average Sales Per Day: 124
- Average Days to Sell: 14 days
How Vineyard Vines Performs on Poshmark
In the past month, Vineyard Vines achieved total revenue of $78,777 with 3,859 items sold, ranking 189 out of 1,000 brands on Poshmark.
Vineyard Vines holds a position within the top 189 brands on Poshmark, representing approximately 0.07% of the total marketplace revenue, showcasing a moderate market share among brands.
Vineyard Vines has a revenue gap of over $1,000 compared to its neighboring brands, reflecting a need for strategic marketing and visibility improvements. Despite this, the brand shows potential for growth in a competitive marketplace that sees consistent consumer interest in casual and preppy fashion.
Rank | Brand | Total Revenue | Items Sold | Avg Sale Price | Unique Sellers | Avg Days to Sell |
186 | Khaite | $79837 | 250 | $319 | 232 | 68 days |
187 | Hand Crafted | $79508 | 3484 | $23 | 1211 | 129 days |
188 | Mz Wallace | $79022 | 742 | $107 | 614 | 29 days |
189 | Vineyard Vines | $78777 | 3859 | $20 | 2953 | 14 days |
190 | Wrangler | $78646 | 3509 | $22 | 2824 | 16 days |
191 | Tumi | $78298 | 751 | $104 | 678 | 37 days |
192 | Cult Gaia | $77687 | 444 | $175 | 400 | 58 days |
Vineyard Vines Pricing & Sales Data
The average price for Vineyard Vines on Poshmark is $20.41, which is below the overall marketplace median sale price of $24. This pricing positions Vineyard Vines within the budget to mid-range category on Poshmark.
Vineyard Vines has an average days to sell of 14.28, which is significantly faster than the overall marketplace average of 2008.52 hours. With an average of 124.48 sales per day, this indicates strong engagement and turnover compared to similar brands.
Vineyard Vines, ranked 189, competes closely with brands like Wrangler (rank 190) and Mz Wallace (rank 188). The revenue of Vineyard Vines is slightly lower than nearby competitors, highlighting potential areas for growth.
Vineyard Vines competition on Poshmark
There are 2,953 unique sellers for Vineyard Vines, indicating a competitive environment. The high number of sellers suggests an active marketplace presence but also increases competition for listings.
Most Successful Vineyard Vines Sellers
- becauseyoucan - Monthly Revenue: $528.00
- bucciajr - Monthly Revenue: $334.00
- dps0315 - Monthly Revenue: $314.00
Should You Resell Vineyard Vines on Poshmark? đź‘Ť
Vineyard Vines is an ideal choice for Poshmark resellers due to its competitive resale price point and steady sales velocity, suggesting strong buyer demand.
Resellers can expect a favorable ROI, as sourcing costs for Vineyard Vines items are often low, while resale prices tend to yield decent profits after Poshmark’s fees are considered.
Competition among large numbers of sellers and fluctuating fashion trends can affect sales. Seasonal demand may also impact profitability during off-peak months.
Tips for Selling Vineyard Vines
- Use effective strategies such as closet-sharing and offers to likers to boost item visibility on Poshmark.
- Utilize high-quality images and engaging descriptions to attract buyers and convey the brand's appeal.
- Monitor competitor pricing closely and adjust listings to remain competitive within the $20-24 price range.
- Engage with the community through social features like comments and sharing items to enhance seller reputation.
- Consider bundling items or offering discounts on multiple purchases to encourage larger sales transactions.