How well Vineyard Vines sells on Poshmark

Vineyard Vines on Poshmark: $78,690 revenue, 3879 items sold, avg price $20.29, 2916 sellers, avg days to sell 11.69, rank 179.

Key Statistics for Vineyard Vines

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #179
  • Total Revenue: $78690
  • Items Sold: 3879
  • Average Sale Price: $20
  • Unique Sellers: 2916
  • Average Sales Per Day: 125
  • Average Days to Sell: 12 days

Overview of Vineyard Vines

Vineyard Vines generated $78,690 in revenue last month by selling 3879 items at an average price of $20.29. There were 2916 unique sellers, with an average of 125.13 sales per day and an average of 11.69 days to sell an item. The brand ranked 179th in the marketplace.

Market Position of Vineyard Vines

Vineyard Vines is positioned lower than the overall marketplace averages. With an average revenue per sale of $20.29, it falls significantly below the marketplace average of $39.74. However, it has a quicker selling time with an average of 11.69 days compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
176 Theory $80979 1944 $42 1659 30 days
177 Asics $79266 2020 $39 1633 22 days
178 Good American $78989 2314 $34 1967 24 days
179 Vineyard Vines $78690 3879 $20 2916 12 days
180 Universal Thread $78558 5696 $14 4299 68 days
181 Hunter $78336 2033 $39 1885 32 days
182 Patricia Nash $78214 1564 $50 1265 31 days

Sales Performance of Vineyard Vines

The brand's total revenue of $78,690 from 3879 items sold indicates a moderate sales volume but at a lower price point. The average price of $20.29 is below the marketplace median sale price of $23. The average sales per day of 125.13 shows consistent daily activity. The average days to sell of 11.69 is relatively short, indicating a high demand and quick turnaround for Vineyard Vines items.

Top Sellers of Vineyard Vines on Poshmark

The top sellers for Vineyard Vines last month were becauseyoucan with $291.00, dps0315 with $260.00, and mbeck14 with $256.00 in sales. These sellers demonstrated higher than average performance, likely due to strategic pricing, attractive listings, and effective marketing.

Top Sellers List

  1. becauseyoucan - Revenue: $291.00
  2. dps0315 - Revenue: $260.00
  3. mbeck14 - Revenue: $256.00

Recommendation 👌

While the brand has a high sales volume and quick turnaround, the low average sale price compared to the marketplace average suggests a need for sellers to reassess pricing strategies to maximize revenue.

Suggestions for Sellers:

1. Consider bundling items to increase average sale price. 2. Enhance listing quality with better photos and descriptions to justify higher prices. 3. Promote quality and unique items to differentiate from competitors.

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  • Items Sold: 5162
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