How well Mz Wallace sells on Poshmark

Mz Wallace on Poshmark: $92,271 revenue, 845 items sold, $109.20 avg price, 703 sellers, 29.57 days to sell.

Key Statistics for Mz Wallace

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #157
  • Total Revenue: $92271
  • Items Sold: 845
  • Average Sale Price: $109
  • Unique Sellers: 703
  • Average Sales Per Day: 27
  • Average Days to Sell: 30 days

Overview of Mz Wallace

Mz Wallace experienced strong performance on Poshmark last month, generating $92,271 in total revenue with 845 items sold at an average price of $109.20. The brand had 703 unique sellers and averaged 27.26 sales per day.

Market Position of Mz Wallace

Mz Wallace's average revenue per sale ($109.20) far exceeds the marketplace average ($39.74), indicating a higher-end market position. Despite this, the brand's current rank is 157, suggesting room for growth in visibility and sales volume.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
154 Talbots $93612 4465 $21 3304 11 days
155 Judy Blue $92951 3629 $26 2523 13 days
156 Prana $92407 4053 $23 3212 90 days
157 Mz Wallace $92271 845 $109 703 30 days
158 Cult Gaia $91835 523 $176 453 48 days
159 Vince $90516 2135 $42 1827 27 days
160 Peter Millar $90412 2602 $35 1830 17 days

Sales Performance of Mz Wallace

The brand's average price of $109.20 is significantly higher than the median sale price of $23 for all brands on Poshmark, positioning it as a premium option. Items took an average of 29.57 days to sell, which is faster compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days). This indicates strong demand and efficient sales processes.

Top Sellers of Mz Wallace on Poshmark

Top sellers claratheo2022 ($1285.00), jenegan222 ($857.00), and sbaldr ($797.00) significantly contributed to the overall revenue. Their performance highlights the potential for high earnings within this brand, suggesting effective listing strategies and possibly loyal customer bases.

Top Sellers List

  1. claratheo2022 - Revenue: $1285.00
  2. jenegan222 - Revenue: $857.00
  3. sbaldr - Revenue: $797.00

Recommendation 👍

The high average price and faster selling time compared to marketplace averages demonstrate strong demand and efficient sales for Mz Wallace items. The brand is performing well with substantial revenue and active participation from numerous sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing to continue attracting buyers. Leveraging social media and Poshmark's promotional tools can increase visibility and sales. New sellers should consider entering this market given the demonstrated demand and profitable sales performance.

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