Mz Wallace Sales Stats on Poshmark
Current Mz Wallace performance metrics on Poshmark (last 30 days)
- Revenue Rank: #188
- Total Revenue: $79022
- Items Sold: 742
- Average Sale Price: $107
- Unique Sellers: 614
- Average Sales Per Day: 24
- Average Days to Sell: 29 days
How Mz Wallace Performs on Poshmark
In the past month, Mz Wallace generated a total revenue of $79,022 from 742 items sold, holding the 188th rank among all brands on Poshmark.
Mz Wallace occupies the 188th position among 1000 brands, representing approximately 0.09% of the overall marketplace revenue. This positioning indicates an opportunity for increased visibility and market share on Poshmark.
Mz Wallace's revenue of $79,022 is significantly lower than the average revenue of the top 10 brands at $1,375,901.10, indicating a need for growth strategies to capture a larger audience within Poshmark's social commerce environment.
Rank | Brand | Total Revenue | Items Sold | Avg Sale Price | Unique Sellers | Avg Days to Sell |
185 | Asics | $80235 | 1954 | $41 | 1568 | 23 days |
186 | Khaite | $79837 | 250 | $319 | 232 | 68 days |
187 | Hand Crafted | $79508 | 3484 | $23 | 1211 | 129 days |
188 | Mz Wallace | $79022 | 742 | $107 | 614 | 29 days |
189 | Vineyard Vines | $78777 | 3859 | $20 | 2953 | 14 days |
190 | Wrangler | $78646 | 3509 | $22 | 2824 | 16 days |
191 | Tumi | $78298 | 751 | $104 | 678 | 37 days |
Mz Wallace Pricing & Sales Data
The average selling price for Mz Wallace products is $106.50, significantly higher than Poshmark's median sale price of $24. This positions Mz Wallace in a premium pricing category on the platform, appealing to a more affluent customer segment.
With an average of 28.79 days to sell and 23.94 items sold per day, Mz Wallace's sales speed is slower than the average of 2008.52 hours across Poshmark. Factors such as market demand and brand visibility may influence this sales velocity.
Comparing Mz Wallace to its direct competitors within close rank, Freebird By Steven (Rank 184) and Khaite (Rank 186) have higher revenues despite lower average prices. This indicates potential pricing and marketing strategies could enhance Mz Wallace’s competitiveness in the same ranking range.
Mz Wallace competition on Poshmark
There are 614 unique sellers offering Mz Wallace products, suggesting moderate competition within this brand's niche. The competition level remains manageable for resellers aiming to differentiate their listings through quality and marketing strategies.
Most Successful Mz Wallace Sellers
- fitmama1122 - Monthly Revenue: $1264.00
- sbaldr - Monthly Revenue: $703.00
- chillacella - Monthly Revenue: $695.00
Should You Resell Mz Wallace on Poshmark? 👌
While Mz Wallace has a solid revenue and premium pricing, its sales velocity and rank suggest it may not be the ideal choice for all Poshmark resellers without strategic adjustments.
Resellers can find good ROI with Mz Wallace items, given the premium pricing, but must consider sourcing costs and fees that can affect net returns.
Challenges include increasing competition from brands with higher sales volumes and the need to maintain visibility in a crowded marketplace, especially during peak seasons.
Tips for Selling Mz Wallace
- Enhance listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions emphasizing the brand's unique features.
- Utilize Poshmark's social tools by sharing listings and participating in Posh Parties to increase visibility.
- Adjust pricing strategies to remain competitive while still reflecting the brand's perceived value based on market trends.
- Monitor competitor listings and average sales for price adjustments to maximize sell-through rates.
- Engage with the Poshmark community to build a following and increase brand awareness among potential buyers.