How well Jimmy Choo sells on Poshmark

Jimmy Choo sales on Poshmark generated $156,474 from 1,171 items sold last month, averaging $133.62 per item.

Key Statistics for Jimmy Choo

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #93
  • Total Revenue: $156474
  • Items Sold: 1171
  • Average Sale Price: $134
  • Unique Sellers: 1060
  • Average Sales Per Day: 38
  • Average Days to Sell: 41 days

Overview of Jimmy Choo

Jimmy Choo had a successful month on Poshmark with a total revenue of $156,474 from 1,171 items sold. The average price per item was $133.62.

Market Position of Jimmy Choo

Jimmy Choo is performing significantly above the marketplace average. With an average revenue per sale of $133.62, it far exceeds the overall marketplace average of $39.74. The brand's items also sell faster, taking about 40.70 days compared to the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
90 Loft $162811 10296 $16 7371 50 days
91 Fp Movement By Free People $161198 4562 $35 2730 35 days
92 Rothy's $157743 2806 $56 2231 11 days
93 Jimmy Choo $156474 1171 $134 1060 41 days
94 Chico's $155679 7954 $20 5151 48 days
95 Aerie $153492 9206 $17 6417 35 days
96 Loewe $151907 520 $292 430 46 days

Sales Performance of Jimmy Choo

Jimmy Choo's sales performance is strong with an average of 37.77 sales per day. Revenue per item is high at $133.62, which is significantly more than the marketplace's average sale price of $39.74. The brand ranks 93rd on the platform, indicating a strong presence.

Top Sellers of Jimmy Choo on Poshmark

The top sellers for Jimmy Choo last month were annali157 ($3112.00), lux_legacy ($2070.00), and nari_lux_sneakz ($1724.00). These top sellers have significantly contributed to the overall revenue, indicating that a few high-performing sellers can have a substantial impact on the brand's performance.

Top Sellers List

  1. annali157 - Revenue: $3112.00
  2. lux_legacy - Revenue: $2070.00
  3. nari_lux_sneakz - Revenue: $1724.00

Recommendation 👍

Jimmy Choo is performing exceptionally well compared to the marketplace average, with high average sales prices and faster sales times.

Suggestions for Sellers:

[1] Sellers should focus on high-quality listings to maintain the premium pricing. [2] Consider timing product releases to maximize exposure and sales velocity. [3] Leverage insights from top sellers to optimize listing strategies and promotions.

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