How well Hill House sells on Poshmark

Hill House generated $100282 in revenue with 1311 items sold last month, averaging a sale price of $76.49.

Key Statistics for Hill House

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #142
  • Total Revenue: $100282
  • Items Sold: 1311
  • Average Sale Price: $76
  • Unique Sellers: 1033
  • Average Sales Per Day: 42
  • Average Days to Sell: 18 days

Overview of Hill House

Hill House achieved significant sales last month, generating $100282 in revenue from 1311 items sold, with an average price of $76.49 per item. The brand involved 1033 unique sellers and maintained an average sales rate of 42.29 items per day. On average, items took 17.61 days to sell, and the brand is currently ranked 142 on Poshmark.

Market Position of Hill House

Compared to the overall marketplace averages, Hill House is performing exceptionally well. The average revenue per sale for Hill House is nearly double the marketplace average, with an average price of $76.49 compared to $39.74. Additionally, Hill House items sell much faster, taking an average of 17.61 days to sell compared to the overall average of approximately 84.21 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
139 Yeezy $101132 1203 $84 1057 26 days
140 Ray-ban $101058 1874 $54 1648 16 days
141 Ralph Lauren Purple Label $101047 760 $133 232 41 days
142 Hill House $100282 1311 $76 1033 18 days
143 Canada Goose $100117 352 $284 323 85 days
144 Sam Edelman $99383 2918 $34 2465 18 days
145 Van Cleef & Arpels $99239 122 $813 94 232 days

Sales Performance of Hill House

Hill House demonstrated strong sales performance with a total revenue of $100282 from 1311 items sold. The average sales per day stood at 42.29, indicating consistent daily sales. The average days to sell was 17.61, showing a quick turnover. The brand's performance is significantly above the marketplace average, both in terms of revenue per sale and speed of sales.

Top Sellers of Hill House on Poshmark

The top sellers for Hill House last month were rebeccavcalvo ($1144.00), chinduchess ($1131.00), and blendinstandout ($720.00). These sellers contributed significantly to the brand's overall revenue. Their successful sales strategies and pricing could serve as a benchmark for other sellers aiming to improve their performance.

Top Sellers List

  1. rebeccavcalvo - Revenue: $1144.00
  2. chinduchess - Revenue: $1131.00
  3. blendinstandout - Revenue: $720.00

Recommendation 👍

Hill House's performance last month was outstanding, with high average revenue per sale and fast sales turnover compared to the overall marketplace averages.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to list Hill House items given their high average selling price and quick turnover. Leveraging successful strategies from top sellers like rebeccavcalvo and chinduchess could further enhance sales performance. Maintaining competitive pricing and high-quality listings will be key to sustaining this momentum.

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