How well Fp Movement By Free People sells on Poshmark

Fp Movement By Free People saw $161198 in revenue and 4562 items sold on Poshmark last month.

Key Statistics for Fp Movement By Free People

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #91
  • Total Revenue: $161198
  • Items Sold: 4562
  • Average Sale Price: $35
  • Unique Sellers: 2730
  • Average Sales Per Day: 147
  • Average Days to Sell: 35 days

Overview of Fp Movement By Free People

Fp Movement By Free People generated $161198 in revenue with 4562 items sold, averaging $35.33 per item. There were 2730 unique sellers, averaging 147.16 sales per day, and items took an average of 34.84 days to sell.

Market Position of Fp Movement By Free People

The brand's average price per sale ($35.33) is lower than the overall marketplace average ($39.74). However, it outperforms the median sale price ($23) of all brands. The average days to sell (34.84 days) is significantly faster compared to the marketplace average hours to sell (2021.17 hours, which translates to approximately 84 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
88 Goyard $165050 204 $809 185 41 days
89 Victoria's Secret $164250 8823 $19 6404 63 days
90 Loft $162811 10296 $16 7371 50 days
91 Fp Movement By Free People $161198 4562 $35 2730 35 days
92 Rothy's $157743 2806 $56 2231 11 days
93 Jimmy Choo $156474 1171 $134 1060 41 days
94 Chico's $155679 7954 $20 5151 48 days

Sales Performance of Fp Movement By Free People

Fp Movement By Free People had strong sales performance with a total revenue of $161198 and 4562 items sold. The average price per item is slightly below the marketplace average but still competitive. The brand's items sell much faster than the marketplace average, indicating high demand and good market penetration.

Top Sellers of Fp Movement By Free People on Poshmark

Top sellers for the brand include lisaanndrews ($3355.00), shelbycurt ($3083.00), and lindsayjacks858 ($2599.00). These sellers significantly contribute to the overall revenue and likely have strategies or inventory that attract buyers consistently.

Top Sellers List

  1. lisaanndrews - Revenue: $3355.00
  2. shelbycurt - Revenue: $3083.00
  3. lindsayjacks858 - Revenue: $2599.00

Recommendation 👍

The brand shows strong sales performance and demand, with sales happening at a faster rate than the marketplace average. While the average price is slightly lower than the overall average, it is still significantly higher than the median sale price.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on listing items from this brand as they sell quickly and have strong demand. Consider competitive pricing strategies to maintain the high turnover rate. Leverage successful seller strategies from top performers to maximize sales.

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  • Items Sold: 1171
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  • Items Sold: 5162
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