How well Dr. Martens sells on Poshmark

Dr. Martens on Poshmark: $248,571 revenue, 3,927 items sold, avg. price $63.30, 3399 sellers, top sellers catsmeowleather, rshep23, bootstylee.

Key Statistics for Dr. Martens

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #53
  • Total Revenue: $248571
  • Items Sold: 3927
  • Average Sale Price: $63
  • Unique Sellers: 3399
  • Average Sales Per Day: 127
  • Average Days to Sell: 11 days

Overview of Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens achieved a total revenue of $248,571 with 3,927 items sold last month. The brand had an average selling price of $63.30, involving 3,399 unique sellers.

Market Position of Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens is ranked 53rd in Poshmark's marketplace. The brand's average sale price of $63.30 significantly exceeds the overall marketplace average of $39.74, indicating a premium positioning.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
50 Golden Goose $256318 1438 $178 1241 30 days
51 American Eagle Outfitters $253472 15814 $16 11123 48 days
52 Sezane $252656 3107 $81 2017 10 days
53 Dr. Martens $248571 3927 $63 3399 11 days
54 Frye $241327 2997 $81 2499 18 days
55 Under Armour $239678 13897 $17 9808 64 days
56 Bottega Veneta $236172 766 $308 651 47 days

Sales Performance of Dr. Martens

With an average of 126.68 sales per day and items selling in approximately 10.86 days, Dr. Martens outperforms the marketplace average selling time of 2021.17 hours. The higher average sale price and faster turnover rate suggest strong demand and a well-established market presence.

Top Sellers of Dr. Martens on Poshmark

The top sellers for Dr. Martens were catsmeowleather with $1753.00 in sales, rshep23 with $1158.00, and bootstylee with $1120.00. These top performers indicate that there is potential for high earnings for sellers specializing in this brand.

Top Sellers List

  1. catsmeowleather - Revenue: $1753.00
  2. rshep23 - Revenue: $1158.00
  3. bootstylee - Revenue: $1120.00

Recommendation 👍

Dr. Martens shows strong sales performance with higher-than-average prices and faster sales turnover compared to the overall marketplace. This indicates robust demand and profitable opportunities for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider sourcing and listing Dr. Martens to capitalize on strong demand. Focus on competitive pricing, efficient listing practices, and maintaining high-quality product descriptions to maximize sales potential.

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  • Items Sold: 13897
  • Avg Price: $17
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  • Items Sold: 5162
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