How well Cult Gaia sells on Poshmark

Cult Gaia on Poshmark: $91,835 revenue & 523 items sold in the past month. High avg price & short selling time. Consider this brand!

Key Statistics for Cult Gaia

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #158
  • Total Revenue: $91835
  • Items Sold: 523
  • Average Sale Price: $176
  • Unique Sellers: 453
  • Average Sales Per Day: 17
  • Average Days to Sell: 48 days

Overview of Cult Gaia

Cult Gaia generated $91,835 in revenue from 523 items sold last month, with an average price of $175.59. The brand had 453 unique sellers and averaged 16.87 sales per day, taking an average of 48.38 days to sell each item. It is currently ranked 158th.

Market Position of Cult Gaia

Cult Gaia significantly outperforms the average Poshmark marketplace metrics. The average revenue per sale for Cult Gaia is $175.59, compared to the marketplace average of $39.74. The brand's items also sell much faster, taking only 48.38 days on average compared to the marketplace average of approximately 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
155 Judy Blue $92951 3629 $26 2523 13 days
156 Prana $92407 4053 $23 3212 90 days
157 Mz Wallace $92271 845 $109 703 30 days
158 Cult Gaia $91835 523 $176 453 48 days
159 Vince $90516 2135 $42 1827 27 days
160 Peter Millar $90412 2602 $35 1830 17 days
161 Lands' End $90033 4734 $19 3807 141 days

Sales Performance of Cult Gaia

With total revenue of $91,835 from 523 items, Cult Gaia stands out with a high average sale price of $175.59. The brand's fast turnover rate of 48.38 days to sell an item indicates strong demand. Despite a moderate current rank of 158, the brand's performance metrics are impressive relative to the marketplace as a whole.

Top Sellers of Cult Gaia on Poshmark

Top sellers like sammy5522, queen_of_glam, and arizeal have contributed significantly to the brand's revenue, with sales of $2595.00, $1925.00, and $1400.00 respectively. These sellers have likely capitalized on the high average price and quick turnover rate, indicating effective sales strategies.

Top Sellers List

  1. sammy5522 - Revenue: $2595.00
  2. queen_of_glam - Revenue: $1925.00
  3. arizeal - Revenue: $1400.00

Recommendation 👍

Cult Gaia's performance metrics are significantly better than the overall marketplace averages, making it a lucrative brand for sellers. The high average sale price and quick turnover rate are particularly advantageous.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider focusing on high-demand Cult Gaia items and pricing competitively within the $175 range. Leveraging effective marketing strategies and maintaining a quick response time can further enhance sales performance. Given the strong performance, diversifying inventory with more Cult Gaia products is advisable.

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