How well Converse sells on Poshmark

Converse on Poshmark: 7093 items sold, $187990 revenue, 47.84 days to sell, ranked 77th. Top seller: newyrkcity99 with $2276.

Key Statistics for Converse

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #77
  • Total Revenue: $187990
  • Items Sold: 7093
  • Average Sale Price: $27
  • Unique Sellers: 5711
  • Average Sales Per Day: 229
  • Average Days to Sell: 48 days

Overview of Converse

Converse generated a total revenue of $187990.00 from 7093 items sold, with an average price of $26.50. The brand had 5711 unique sellers and an average sales rate of 228.81 items per day. Each item took an average of 47.84 days to sell, placing Converse at rank 77 in the marketplace.

Market Position of Converse

Converse's average price of $26.50 is slightly above the median sale price of $23 for all brands but below the average revenue per sale of $39.74. The time to sell (47.84 days) is significantly lower than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours, indicating a faster turnover.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
74 House Of Cb $193323 1642 $118 1105 27 days
75 Luxe $192086 55 $3492 32 111 days
76 Marc Jacobs $191292 2208 $87 1874 15 days
77 Converse $187990 7093 $27 5711 48 days
78 Betsey Johnson $182491 5349 $34 3744 83 days
79 Mcm $181228 1205 $150 797 26 days
80 Apple $180433 2104 $86 1857 72 days

Sales Performance of Converse

Converse's performance shows a strong sales volume with 7093 items sold, contributing to a substantial revenue of $187990.00. The average sales per day (228.81) indicates consistent daily sales. However, the average price per item ($26.50) is lower than the average revenue per sale across all brands ($39.74), suggesting a lower price point strategy.

Top Sellers of Converse on Poshmark

Top sellers like newyrkcity99, shoe_center, and thetresamigos contributed significantly, with sales of $2276.00, $781.00, and $666.00 respectively. Newyrkcity99 stands out with significantly higher sales, indicating effective selling strategies or a larger inventory.

Top Sellers List

  1. newyrkcity99 - Revenue: $2276.00
  2. shoe_center - Revenue: $781.00
  3. thetresamigos - Revenue: $666.00

Recommendation 👍

Converse shows strong sales volume and a faster selling time compared to the marketplace average. Despite a lower average price per item, the high turnover rate is beneficial.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue focusing on competitive pricing and high turnover. Leveraging promotions and highlighting unique or limited edition items could boost average sales price. Analyzing top sellers' strategies may provide insights for improving sales.

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