How well Boden sells on Poshmark

Boden on Poshmark: $171K revenue, 6022 items sold, avg $28.42/item, 4631 sellers, 64.94 days to sell, ranked 85th.

Key Statistics for Boden

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #85
  • Total Revenue: $171136
  • Items Sold: 6022
  • Average Sale Price: $28
  • Unique Sellers: 4631
  • Average Sales Per Day: 194
  • Average Days to Sell: 65 days

Overview of Boden

Boden generated $171,136.00 in revenue last month on Poshmark with 6022 items sold by 4631 unique sellers. The average selling price was $28.42, and items took an average of 64.94 days to sell. The brand is currently ranked 85th.

Market Position of Boden

Boden's average selling price of $28.42 is below the overall marketplace average of $39.74 but above the median sale price of $23. The brand's average time to sell (64.94 days) is significantly faster than the marketplace average (2021.17 hours, approximately 84.22 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
82 Aviator Nation $178338 2829 $63 1863 11 days
83 Hoka $176521 2943 $60 2264 8 days
84 Loveshackfancy $175262 1804 $97 1437 21 days
85 Boden $171136 6022 $28 4631 65 days
86 Brahmin $168518 1551 $109 1134 20 days
87 Johnny Was $167048 2505 $67 1901 15 days
88 Goyard $165050 204 $809 185 41 days

Sales Performance of Boden

With total revenue at $171,136.00 and 6022 items sold, Boden's average revenue per sale is lower than the marketplace average ($28.42 vs. $39.74). However, the higher item turnover rate indicates a healthy demand. The brand's rank of 85th suggests it is a moderately popular choice among buyers.

Top Sellers of Boden on Poshmark

The top sellers for Boden last month were i225701g ($1109.00), ear_envy ($959.00), and colleencloseout ($396.00). These sellers significantly outperformed the average, indicating effective pricing, sourcing, and marketing strategies. i225701g, in particular, demonstrated strong sales capabilities.

Top Sellers List

  1. i225701g - Revenue: $1109.00
  2. ear_envy - Revenue: $959.00
  3. colleencloseout - Revenue: $396.00

Recommendation 👍

Despite a lower average price per sale compared to the marketplace average, Boden's faster turnover and reasonable sales volume indicate healthy demand and good performance. The brand's rank of 85th reflects moderate popularity, making it a viable option for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to list Boden items but consider competitive pricing strategies to maximize revenue. Focus on high-demand items and optimize listings to improve visibility. Analyze top sellers' strategies for insights on pricing and marketing. Enhancing item descriptions and images may also accelerate sales.

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