How well Betsey Johnson sells on Poshmark

Betsey Johnson sales on Poshmark: $182491 revenue, 5349 items sold, $34.12 avg price. Top seller earned $4064. Rank: 78.

Key Statistics for Betsey Johnson

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #78
  • Total Revenue: $182491
  • Items Sold: 5349
  • Average Sale Price: $34
  • Unique Sellers: 3744
  • Average Sales Per Day: 173
  • Average Days to Sell: 83 days

Overview of Betsey Johnson

In the past month, Betsey Johnson generated a total revenue of $182,491 from 5349 items sold with an average price of $34.12. There were 3744 unique sellers, averaging 172.55 sales per day, and items took an average of 82.72 days to sell. The brand currently ranks 78th in the marketplace.

Market Position of Betsey Johnson

Betsey Johnson's average price of $34.12 is below the overall marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74 but above the median sale price of $23. The average time to sell for Betsey Johnson products is significantly lower at approximately 1985.28 hours (82.72 days) compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
75 Luxe $192086 55 $3492 32 111 days
76 Marc Jacobs $191292 2208 $87 1874 15 days
77 Converse $187990 7093 $27 5711 48 days
78 Betsey Johnson $182491 5349 $34 3744 83 days
79 Mcm $181228 1205 $150 797 26 days
80 Apple $180433 2104 $86 1857 72 days
81 Lucky Brand $180420 8916 $20 7219 80 days

Sales Performance of Betsey Johnson

Betsey Johnson's sales performance last month shows a robust engagement with 5349 items sold and a total revenue of $182,491. Despite the lower average price per sale compared to the marketplace average, the brand benefits from a faster turnover rate, indicating strong demand and efficient sales cycles.

Top Sellers of Betsey Johnson on Poshmark

The top sellers for Betsey Johnson were kristen13340 with $4064 in sales, yore_and_before with $2518, and kmarieasia with $1950. These top sellers significantly contributed to the overall revenue, highlighting the potential for high earnings within the brand. Their success can be attributed to effective pricing strategies and possibly high-quality listings.

Top Sellers List

  1. kristen13340 - Revenue: $4064.00
  2. yore_and_before - Revenue: $2518.00
  3. kmarieasia - Revenue: $1950.00

Recommendation 👍

The brand exhibits strong sales volume and a quick turnover rate, which compensates for the lower average price per sale. The presence of high-performing sellers further validates the brand's potential.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing and high-quality listings to continue benefiting from the brand's demand. Consider leveraging the faster turnover rate by frequently updating inventory and engaging with buyers to sustain sales momentum.

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