How well Alexander Mcqueen sells on Poshmark

Alexander Mcqueen on Poshmark saw $103,686 revenue with 605 items sold, averaging $171.38 per item in the past month.

Key Statistics for Alexander Mcqueen

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #137
  • Total Revenue: $103686
  • Items Sold: 605
  • Average Sale Price: $171
  • Unique Sellers: 553
  • Average Sales Per Day: 20
  • Average Days to Sell: 58 days

Overview of Alexander Mcqueen

Alexander Mcqueen achieved significant sales last month on Poshmark, generating $103,686 in revenue from 605 items sold, with an average price of $171.38 per item.

Market Position of Alexander Mcqueen

Alexander Mcqueen is positioned as a high-end brand on Poshmark, with an average price significantly higher than the marketplace average of $39.74. The brand's items also sell faster, with an average of 58.01 days to sell compared to the average of 84.22 days for all brands.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
134 Michael Michael Kors $105182 3047 $35 2579 16 days
135 Tom Ford $104552 896 $117 719 36 days
136 Steve Madden $104272 3503 $30 3041 13 days
137 Alexander Mcqueen $103686 605 $171 553 58 days
138 Dansko $103280 2720 $38 2214 20 days
139 Yeezy $101132 1203 $84 1057 26 days
140 Ray-ban $101058 1874 $54 1648 16 days

Sales Performance of Alexander Mcqueen

The brand's total revenue of $103,686 and 605 items sold last month indicate strong demand. The average sales per day were 19.52, reflecting consistent buyer interest. The average price of $171.38 per item is much higher than the marketplace average, highlighting Alexander Mcqueen's premium market position.

Top Sellers of Alexander Mcqueen on Poshmark

Top sellers for Alexander Mcqueen last month were fredziowie ($2475.00), italyoutlet ($2099.00), and poshlosangeles ($1600.00). These sellers contributed significantly to the overall revenue, demonstrating effective pricing and inventory strategies.

Top Sellers List

  1. fredziowie - Revenue: $2475.00
  2. italyoutlet - Revenue: $2099.00
  3. poshlosangeles - Revenue: $1600.00

Recommendation 👍

Alexander Mcqueen's performance is impressive, with high average prices and relatively quick sales. This indicates a strong market presence and demand for the brand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining premium pricing strategies and ensuring quick turnover of inventory. Leveraging detailed listings and high-quality images can help sustain the brand's high value perception.

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  • Items Sold: 3503
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  • Items Sold: 1203
  • Avg Price: $84
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  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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