How well Chrome Hearts sells on Poshmark

Chrome Hearts on Poshmark: $76,776 revenue, 374 items sold, avg price $205.28, 292 sellers, 54.94 days to sell.

Key Statistics for Chrome Hearts

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #184
  • Total Revenue: $76776
  • Items Sold: 374
  • Average Sale Price: $205
  • Unique Sellers: 292
  • Average Sales Per Day: 12
  • Average Days to Sell: 55 days

Overview of Chrome Hearts

Chrome Hearts generated $76,776 in revenue with 374 items sold at an average price of $205.28 last month. The brand had 292 unique sellers and ranked 184th on Poshmark.

Market Position of Chrome Hearts

Chrome Hearts outperforms the overall Poshmark marketplace in terms of average sale price ($205.28 vs. $39.74) and median sale price ($205.28 vs. $23). However, the average days to sell is significantly higher (54.94 days vs. 2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
181 Hunter $78336 2033 $39 1885 32 days
182 Patricia Nash $78214 1564 $50 1265 31 days
183 Jeffrey Campbell $77635 1475 $53 1319 37 days
184 Chrome Hearts $76776 374 $205 292 55 days
185 Faherty $76538 1878 $41 1584 25 days
186 Calvin Klein $75705 3507 $22 3044 12 days
187 Hand Crafted $75643 3392 $22 1128 127 days

Sales Performance of Chrome Hearts

With an average of 12.06 sales per day, Chrome Hearts shows strong daily sales activity. The total revenue of $76,776 from 374 items sold highlights a high demand for this premium brand. The average price per item ($205.28) indicates a market willing to pay for luxury items.

Top Sellers of Chrome Hearts on Poshmark

Top sellers jinl1209, ghostinsnow, and adrisvilla contributed significantly with sales of $1950.00, $1870.00, and $1500.00 respectively. These top sellers likely have optimized their listings and built strong reputations to achieve higher sales.

Top Sellers List

  1. jinl1209 - Revenue: $1950.00
  2. ghostinsnow - Revenue: $1870.00
  3. adrisvilla - Revenue: $1500.00

Recommendation 👍

Chrome Hearts performs exceptionally well in terms of revenue and average sale price compared to the overall marketplace. Despite a longer average time to sell, the high price point and consistent daily sales make it a lucrative option for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and consider strategies to reduce the average days to sell, such as using promotional tactics or improving product descriptions and photos. Leveraging social media to drive traffic to listings could also be beneficial.

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