How well Men's Sport Coats & Blazers sell on Poshmark

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Men's Sport Coats & Blazers Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #104
  • Total Revenue: $147401
  • Items Sold: 2681
  • Average Sale Price: $55
  • Unique Sellers: 1903
  • Average Sales Per Day: 86
  • Average Days to Sell: 92 days

How Men's Sport Coats & Blazers Performs on Poshmark

Men's Sport Coats & Blazers have generated a total revenue of $147,401 with 2,681 items sold, indicating a healthy demand within this category. The average sale price stands at $54.98, suggesting a favorable price point for resellers.

Ranked #104 out of 610 categories on Poshmark, Men's Sport Coats & Blazers demonstrate moderate popularity. With 1,903 unique sellers, the competition is notable but not saturated, providing opportunities for new entrants.

Current trends show a growing interest in men's fashion, especially tailored and semi-formal wear. As remote work decreases, demand for business attire is expected to rise, potentially boosting sales. Resellers should stay updated with seasonal styles and color trends.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
101 Women's Tunics $156068 7037 $22 5497 114 days
102 Men's Jerseys $150264 3549 $42 2568 47 days
103 Men's Vests $147953 3380 $44 3004 63 days
104 Men's Sport Coats & Blazers $147401 2681 $55 1903 92 days
105 Men's Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts $147130 7046 $21 5609 64 days
106 Men's Bomber & Varsity Jackets & Coats $147121 2162 $68 2008 93 days
107 Women's Prom Dresses $146248 1876 $78 1629 239 days

Men's Sport Coats & Blazers Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $54.98 is competitive, indicating a demand for quality items at reasonable prices. Resellers may benefit from price adjustments based on item condition, brand reputation, and seasonal trends to optimize profitability.

With an average of 86.48 sales per day and an average days to sell of 92.13, items in this category have a relatively steady sales velocity. The average time to sell indicates a longer holding period, which may require strategic pricing and marketing to expedite sales.

Compared to other fashion categories, Men's Sport Coats & Blazers are performing steadily but do not rank as top sellers. This creates an opportunity for focused marketing and niche targeting to enhance sales performance relative to more saturated categories.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Lauren Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $8668.00
  2. J. Crew - Revenue: $8092.00
  3. Brooks Brothers - Revenue: $6156.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. cogitoergovendo - Revenue: $2995.00
  2. wowniceshirt - Revenue: $2718.00
  3. primo_offers - Revenue: $2040.00

Should You Sell Men's Sport Coats & Blazers on Poshmark? 👍

The presence of 1,903 unique sellers indicates a moderately competitive environment. Successful resellers may differentiate themselves through branding, high-quality listings, and customer service to capture market share.

The combination of steady demand, reasonable pricing, and a moderate level of competition presents a favorable opportunity for resellers in this category.

Given the average sale price and consistent sales volume, resellers can expect a solid return on investment, particularly with strategic sourcing and marketing.

Potential risks include market fluctuations in fashion trends and increased competition. Additionally, longer holding times may tie up capital.

Tips for Selling Men's Sport Coats & Blazers

  • 1. Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to enhance visibility and appeal.
  • 2. Monitor seasonal trends and adjust inventory accordingly to meet changing consumer preferences.
  • 3. Utilize social media and cross-promote items to increase reach and drive traffic to your Poshmark closet.
  • 4. Consider bundling items or offering discounts on multiple purchases to increase average order value.
  • 5. Engage with buyers through timely responses and excellent customer service to build a positive reputation and encourage repeat sales.

Top Categories in Men

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2746928
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2490973
  3. Men's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $1489558

Related Subcategories to Men's Sport Coats & Blazers

  1. Men's Sport Coats & Blazers - Revenue: $147401
  2. Men's Suits - Revenue: $64732
  3. Men's Tuxedos - Revenue: $8427
See all categories
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