How well Home Items sell on Poshmark

Home Items on Poshmark generated $2.17M in revenue with an average sale price of $31.42 and took 165 days to sell, ranking #4 in revenue.

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Key Statistics for Home Items

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #4
  • Total Revenue: $2168924.0
  • Items Sold: 69030
  • Average Sale Price: $31.42
  • Unique Sellers: 45320
  • Average Sales Per Day: 159.06
  • Average Days to Sell: 165.84 days

Overview of Home Items

The Home Items category generated $2,168,924 in total revenue from 69,030 items sold, with an average sale price of $31.42. The category has 45,320 unique sellers and ranked #4 in revenue on the platform. It has an average of 159.06 sales per day and takes approximately 165.84 days to sell an item.

Market Position of Home Items

Home Items has a moderate market position, ranking #4 in revenue among all categories. Despite the average sale price of $31.42 being lower than the platform-wide average of $39.74, it is significantly higher than the median sale price of $23, indicating some high-value items are driving sales in this category. The average time to sell (165.84 days) is significantly better than the platform average of 2021.17 hours (84.22 days), indicating this category performs well in terms of turnover.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
1 Women's Items $67946617 1605089 $42 829003 138 days
2 Men's Items $10990806 289141 $38 170578 93 days
3 Kids Items $3297792 167369 $20 106450 112 days
4 Home Items $2168924 69030 $31 45320 166 days
5 Electronics Items $703254 10773 $65 9253 100 days
6 Pets Items $48198 1642 $29 1273 138 days

Sales Performance of Home Items

The Home Items category underperforms slightly in average revenue per sale compared to the platform average ($31.42 vs. $39.74), indicating the presence of lower-priced products. However, it outperforms in terms of median sale price compared to the platform-wide $23. The revenue rank (#4) shows strong performance overall, but the category could further improve its average sale price. The relatively quick turnover of 165.84 days is a positive sign of demand and market interest in the Home Items category.

Recommendation 👍

The Home Items category generates substantial revenue, ranks highly on the platform, and has a favorable median sale price and time to sell compared to overall platform averages. Although the average revenue per sale is lower than the platform average, the category is still performing well across key metrics.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on listing more high-value items to boost the average sale price closer to or above the platform average. Additionally, leveraging social selling features and offering competitive prices could improve sales volume and further reduce the time to sell.

Top Categories in Home Items

  1. Home Bedding - Revenue: $402938
  2. Home Accents - Revenue: $359968
  3. Home Dining - Revenue: $355370

Top Subcategories in Home Items

  1. Home Blankets & Throws - Revenue: $117715
  2. Home Decor Accents - Revenue: $109395
  3. Home Drinkware Dining - Revenue: $96617
See all categories
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