How well Sorel sells on Poshmark

Sorel sales on Poshmark: $126,946 revenue, 2956 items sold, avg price $42.95, top sellers cobblercloset, cecil_feli, tall_love.

Key Statistics for Sorel

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #111
  • Total Revenue: $126946
  • Items Sold: 2956
  • Average Sale Price: $43
  • Unique Sellers: 2423
  • Average Sales Per Day: 95
  • Average Days to Sell: 21 days

Overview of Sorel

Sorel generated a total revenue of $126,946 with 2956 items sold in the past month, averaging $42.95 per sale. There were 2423 unique sellers, with an average of 95.35 sales per day. Items took an average of 21.42 days to sell, and Sorel ranked 111th on the marketplace.

Market Position of Sorel

Sorel's average price of $42.95 per item is significantly higher than the overall marketplace average of $39.74 per sale and the median sale price of $23. Additionally, the average time to sell Sorel items (21.42 days) is much shorter than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
108 Ann Taylor $131007 6354 $21 5053 68 days
109 Miu Miu $129855 760 $171 626 47 days
110 Dolce & Gabbana $129123 1053 $123 923 37 days
111 Sorel $126946 2956 $43 2423 21 days
112 For Love And Lemons $126881 1843 $69 1532 97 days
113 Tuckernuck $125923 1757 $72 1270 19 days
114 Brooks $125578 3151 $40 2097 12 days

Sales Performance of Sorel

Sorel's performance is strong, with a higher average price per sale compared to the marketplace average. The brand's items sell relatively quickly, indicating good demand. With 2956 items sold and an average of 95.35 sales per day, Sorel is performing robustly in terms of volume and consistency.

Top Sellers of Sorel on Poshmark

The top sellers for Sorel last month were cobblercloset ($1117.00), cecil_feli ($934.00), and tall_love ($700.00). These sellers significantly contributed to the overall revenue and likely have effective strategies for sourcing and selling Sorel products. Their performance indicates potential for high earnings with the right approach.

Top Sellers List

  1. cobblercloset - Revenue: $1117.00
  2. cecil_feli - Revenue: $934.00
  3. tall_love - Revenue: $700.00

Recommendation 👍

Sorel's higher average selling price and quicker turnover compared to the marketplace averages indicate strong demand and profitability. The brand's rank of 111 suggests room for growth but already shows solid performance.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on sourcing high-demand Sorel items and maintaining competitive pricing. Emulating strategies of top sellers like cobblercloset, cecil_feli, and tall_love could help improve sales performance. Additionally, leveraging the quicker selling time to manage inventory efficiently can maximize profits.

Brands with Similar Ranking

Miu Miu

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  • Items Sold: 760
  • Avg Price: $171
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Dolce & Gabbana

  • Revenue: $129123
  • Items Sold: 1053
  • Avg Price: $123
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For Love And Lemons

  • Revenue: $126881
  • Items Sold: 1843
  • Avg Price: $69
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  • Revenue: $125923
  • Items Sold: 1757
  • Avg Price: $72
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  • Items Sold: 7299
  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Items Sold: 9368
  • Avg Price: $226
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  • Revenue: $1988036
  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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