Salvatore Ferragamo Sales Stats on Poshmark
Current Salvatore Ferragamo performance metrics on Poshmark (last 30 days)
- Revenue Rank: #66
- Total Revenue: $212960
- Items Sold: 2093
- Average Sale Price: $102
- Unique Sellers: 1801
- Average Sales Per Day: 68
- Average Days to Sell: 85 days
How Salvatore Ferragamo Performs on Poshmark
In the past month, Salvatore Ferragamo generated a total revenue of $212,960.00 from 2,093 items sold. The brand currently holds a rank of 66 among all brands on Poshmark.
Salvatore Ferragamo occupies the 66th rank out of 1000 brands on Poshmark, representing approximately 0.023% of the marketplace. This rank places it within the upper echelons of brand performance on the platform, suggesting a strong market presence.
Compared to the top 10 brands on Poshmark, which average $1,375,901.10 in revenue, Salvatore Ferragamo has a significant revenue gap. However, the brand's average price and sales rates reflect a premium positioning that can attract a loyal, affluent consumer base on the Poshmark platform.
Rank | Brand | Total Revenue | Items Sold | Avg Sale Price | Unique Sellers | Avg Days to Sell |
63 | Old Navy | $223372 | 17939 | $12 | 12819 | 70 days |
64 | Skims | $217400 | 6838 | $32 | 3598 | 29 days |
65 | Lauren Ralph Lauren | $214292 | 6856 | $31 | 5542 | 90 days |
66 | Salvatore Ferragamo | $212960 | 2093 | $102 | 1801 | 85 days |
67 | Doen | $212768 | 1617 | $132 | 1162 | 18 days |
68 | Gap | $210280 | 12807 | $16 | 10144 | 95 days |
69 | Under Armour | $206792 | 12043 | $17 | 8729 | 68 days |
Salvatore Ferragamo Pricing & Sales Data
With an average price of $101.75, Salvatore Ferragamo's pricing is significantly above Poshmark's overall marketplace median sale price of $24. This brand can be classified as premium on Poshmark, appealing to consumers looking for luxury items.
Salvatore Ferragamo shows an average selling time of 84.58 days, which is notably higher than Poshmark's average of approximately 2008.52 hours (around 84 days). The brand achieves about 67.52 sales per day, which is comparatively low against the marketplace's daily average of 670.88 sales.
In the direct competitor range, brands like Versace (rank 62) have higher revenue and average price points, while brands like Old Navy (rank 63) offer lower pricing but higher item volumes. Salvatore Ferragamo holds a competitive position but needs to outperform some competitors in sales velocity to enhance market share.
Salvatore Ferragamo competition on Poshmark
There are 1,801 unique sellers currently offering Salvatore Ferragamo products on Poshmark, indicating a competitive seller landscape. However, with fewer active sellers compared to the total items sold, there's potential for experiencing seller success rates with proper positioning and branding.
Most Successful Salvatore Ferragamo Sellers
- stephsposh2023 - Monthly Revenue: $2220.00
- nari_lux_sneakz - Monthly Revenue: $2216.00
- elady - Monthly Revenue: $1954.00
Should You Resell Salvatore Ferragamo on Poshmark? 👍
Salvatore Ferragamo shows solid revenue performance on Poshmark, making it an appealing option for resellers focused on luxury goods.
With an average sale price of $101.75, resellers can anticipate decent ROI, especially given that sourcing costs for luxury items may provide ample margins against Poshmark's sale prices.
Challenges include high competition from other premium brands and the potential for fluctuating demand in the luxury segment, especially during off-seasons.
Tips for Selling Salvatore Ferragamo
- Utilize high-quality images and detailed descriptions to enhance the appeal of listings.
- Engage with potential buyers through sharing and commenting to increase visibility.
- Monitor competitor pricing closely and adjust listings accordingly to remain competitive.
- Focus on marketing strategies that highlight the brand's luxury status, such as bundles or promotional offers.
- Stay active in the Poshmark community to nurture repeat buyers and build a loyal customer base.