How well Saint Laurent sells on Poshmark

Saint Laurent posted $274,429 in revenue with 720 items sold on Poshmark last month. Top sellers include bagborrowsteal and jassycash.

Key Statistics for Saint Laurent

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #44
  • Total Revenue: $274429
  • Items Sold: 720
  • Average Sale Price: $381
  • Unique Sellers: 661
  • Average Sales Per Day: 23
  • Average Days to Sell: 51 days

Overview of Saint Laurent

Saint Laurent generated $274,429 in revenue from 720 items sold last month, with an average price of $381.15 and 661 unique sellers participating.

Market Position of Saint Laurent

Saint Laurent ranks 44th among brands on Poshmark. The brand's average sale price of $381.15 significantly exceeds the marketplace average of $39.74, indicating a premium positioning.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
41 Everlane $278840 8018 $35 5252 50 days
42 Figs $278228 9353 $30 5144 16 days
43 New Balance $275623 6903 $40 5596 55 days
44 Saint Laurent $274429 720 $381 661 51 days
45 David Yurman $268061 959 $280 686 48 days
46 Vans $267510 11080 $24 8440 70 days
47 Torrid $266753 13522 $20 7558 40 days

Sales Performance of Saint Laurent

With 720 items sold, Saint Laurent's average sales per day were 23.23. Items took on average 51.38 days to sell, much faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (84.22 days). The high average price of $381.15 reflects strong demand for luxury items.

Top Sellers of Saint Laurent on Poshmark

Top sellers bagborrowsteal ($6060.00), jassycash ($6000.00), and rebag ($4452.00) contributed significantly to the total revenue. Their performance indicates a solid understanding of the market demand and effective pricing strategies.

Top Sellers List

  1. bagborrowsteal - Revenue: $6060.00
  2. jassycash - Revenue: $6000.00
  3. rebag - Revenue: $4452.00

Recommendation 👍

Saint Laurent's strong revenue, high average sale price, and faster selling times compared to the marketplace average indicate robust performance and demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining the high average price by offering authentic, high-quality items. Consider optimizing listings with clear, detailed descriptions and high-quality images to attract buyers and reduce the average days to sell even further.

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  • Avg Price: $30
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David Yurman

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  • Avg Price: $280
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  • Avg Price: $24
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  • Items Sold: 7299
  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Avg Price: $226
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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