How well Quince sells on Poshmark

Quince Poshmark sales last month: $194780 with 5522 items sold. Avg price: $35.27. Rank: 73. Top seller: byrevive $54583.

Key Statistics for Quince

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #73
  • Total Revenue: $194780
  • Items Sold: 5522
  • Average Sale Price: $35
  • Unique Sellers: 1572
  • Average Sales Per Day: 178
  • Average Days to Sell: 41 days

Overview of Quince

Quince generated a total revenue of $194780 from 5522 items sold last month, with an average price of $35.27 per item and an average sales per day of 178.13. The brand ranks 73rd in the marketplace.

Market Position of Quince

Quince's average price of $35.27 is below the overall marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74, yet significantly higher than the median sale price of $23. The brand's average days to sell is 41.10, which is much faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.2 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
70 Gap $200235 12573 $16 9908 97 days
71 Alice + Olivia $199470 2623 $76 2235 118 days
72 Lauren Ralph Lauren $196480 6394 $31 5230 91 days
73 Quince $194780 5522 $35 1572 41 days
74 House Of Cb $193323 1642 $118 1105 27 days
75 Luxe $192086 55 $3492 32 111 days
76 Marc Jacobs $191292 2208 $87 1874 15 days

Sales Performance of Quince

Quince performed well with a total of 5522 items sold, equating to an average daily sale of 178.13 items. Despite a slightly lower average price compared to the marketplace, the brand's revenue generation is strong. The average days to sell being 41.10 indicates a faster turnover rate compared to the overall market.

Top Sellers of Quince on Poshmark

Top sellers for Quince include byrevive ($54583.00), hc_collective ($17285.00), and poisednprepped ($10363.00). Byrevive is a standout, contributing a significant portion of the total revenue, indicating a highly effective selling strategy and strong demand for their items.

Top Sellers List

  1. byrevive - Revenue: $54583.00
  2. hc_collective - Revenue: $17285.00
  3. poisednprepped - Revenue: $10363.00

Recommendation 👍

Quince shows strong sales performance with a high turnover rate and substantial revenue generation, despite a lower average sale price compared to the marketplace.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing while leveraging the fast turnover rate. Emulate strategies from top sellers like byrevive to enhance sales. Consider bundling items or offering promotions to increase the average sale price closer to the marketplace average.

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  • Avg Price: $31
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House Of Cb

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  • Items Sold: 1642
  • Avg Price: $118
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  • Items Sold: 55
  • Avg Price: $3492
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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