How well Peter Millar sells on Poshmark

Peter Millar sales on Poshmark: $90K revenue, 2602 items sold, $34.75 avg price, 1830 sellers, ranked 160.

Key Statistics for Peter Millar

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #160
  • Total Revenue: $90412
  • Items Sold: 2602
  • Average Sale Price: $35
  • Unique Sellers: 1830
  • Average Sales Per Day: 84
  • Average Days to Sell: 17 days

Overview of Peter Millar

Peter Millar generated $90,412 in revenue last month from 2602 items sold, with an average price of $34.75. There were 1830 unique sellers, averaging 83.94 sales per day, and items took an average of 17.37 days to sell.

Market Position of Peter Millar

Peter Millar's average sale price of $34.75 is below the marketplace average of $39.74 but above the median sale price of $23. The brand is ranked 160th on Poshmark, indicating a moderately strong position.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
157 Mz Wallace $92271 845 $109 703 30 days
158 Cult Gaia $91835 523 $176 453 48 days
159 Vince $90516 2135 $42 1827 27 days
160 Peter Millar $90412 2602 $35 1830 17 days
161 Lands' End $90033 4734 $19 3807 141 days
162 Tumi $89214 860 $104 774 40 days
163 The Row $88706 203 $437 190 82 days

Sales Performance of Peter Millar

Peter Millar's total revenue of $90,412 from 2602 sales resulted in an average price of $34.75 per item, which is lower than the marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74. The brand's items sold relatively quickly, taking on average 17.37 days compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours.

Top Sellers of Peter Millar on Poshmark

Top sellers for Peter Millar include shoe_and_thread ($1965.00), moesclosetsd ($914.00), and sambucus ($750.00). These sellers significantly contributed to the overall revenue and can serve as benchmarks for other sellers.

Top Sellers List

  1. shoe_and_thread - Revenue: $1965.00
  2. moesclosetsd - Revenue: $914.00
  3. sambucus - Revenue: $750.00

Recommendation 👌

While Peter Millar's sales performance shows strong revenue and quick turnaround times, the average sale price is below the marketplace average. This mixed performance warrants a neutral rating.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on competitive pricing strategies to align closer with the marketplace average sale price. Additionally, leveraging the quick sell-through rate to maintain inventory turnover can be beneficial.

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