How well On Running sells on Poshmark

On Running on Poshmark: $301,009 revenue, 5106 items sold, $58.95 average price, 3821 sellers, ranked 38th.

Key Statistics for On Running

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #38
  • Total Revenue: $301009
  • Items Sold: 5106
  • Average Sale Price: $59
  • Unique Sellers: 3821
  • Average Sales Per Day: 165
  • Average Days to Sell: 17 days

Overview of On Running

On Running had a strong performance on Poshmark last month with total revenue of $301,009 from 5106 items sold, averaging $58.95 per item. There were 3821 unique sellers, and the brand ranked 38th in the marketplace.

Market Position of On Running

On Running's average price of $58.95 is significantly higher than the marketplace average of $39.74 and the median sale price of $23. The brand's quick average time to sell of 16.80 days is also impressive compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
35 Michael Kors $326235 8784 $37 6487 81 days
36 Levi's $323874 13583 $24 10261 55 days
37 Celine $302580 1264 $239 1027 29 days
38 On Running $301009 5106 $59 3821 17 days
39 Mac Duggal $281852 1730 $163 742 39 days
40 Cartier $279891 608 $460 476 47 days
41 Everlane $278840 8018 $35 5252 50 days

Sales Performance of On Running

With 5106 items sold and an average sales per day of 164.71, On Running shows robust daily sales. The high average price per item indicates strong demand and value retention for the brand. The total monthly revenue of $301,009 showcases the brand's lucrative potential.

Top Sellers of On Running on Poshmark

Top sellers like annebu ($3537.00), suchshoeasthese ($2882.00), and ckskicksthrifts ($1908.00) highlight the earning potential for dedicated sellers. These sellers likely have a good strategy in place for sourcing and pricing On Running items effectively.

Top Sellers List

  1. annebu - Revenue: $3537.00
  2. suchshoeasthese - Revenue: $2882.00
  3. ckskicksthrifts - Revenue: $1908.00

Recommendation 👍

The brand's higher-than-average sale price and fast turnover rate make it a strong candidate for sellers looking to maximize their earnings. The data indicates a healthy demand and profitable returns.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider sourcing On Running items due to their high demand and fast sales cycle. Competitive pricing slightly below the average could attract more buyers. Analyzing top sellers' strategies could provide additional insights for success.

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