How well Loungefly sells on Poshmark

Loungefly on Poshmark: $117796 revenue, 2417 items sold, $48.74 avg price, 1645 sellers, 39.16 days to sell. Ranked 125.

Key Statistics for Loungefly

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #125
  • Total Revenue: $117796
  • Items Sold: 2417
  • Average Sale Price: $49
  • Unique Sellers: 1645
  • Average Sales Per Day: 78
  • Average Days to Sell: 39 days

Overview of Loungefly

Loungefly had a strong performance last month on Poshmark with a total revenue of $117,796 from 2417 items sold. The average price per item was $48.74, with 1645 unique sellers participating. On average, items took 39.16 days to sell.

Market Position of Loungefly

Loungefly is performing well above the overall marketplace averages. The brand's average revenue per sale is $48.74, which is higher than the marketplace average of $39.74. Additionally, Loungefly's items sell much faster, taking 39.16 days on average compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
122 Retrofete $118717 571 $208 466 75 days
123 Carhartt $117975 4347 $27 3477 8 days
124 Longchamp $117911 1645 $72 1374 15 days
125 Loungefly $117796 2417 $49 1645 39 days
126 Valentino $117708 830 $142 743 44 days
127 Rag & Bone $116320 2405 $48 2117 24 days
128 Jenni Kayne $114142 1003 $114 755 41 days

Sales Performance of Loungefly

Loungefly's sales performance is impressive, with a total of 2417 items sold last month. The average sales per day stood at 77.97. The brand's average price of $48.74 indicates a strong consumer demand for higher-priced items compared to the marketplace median sale price of $23.

Top Sellers of Loungefly on Poshmark

The top sellers for Loungefly last month were kirsten1982 ($1312.00), luv_crystal ($1278.00), and heysunnyxo ($923.00). These sellers contributed significantly to the overall revenue, highlighting the potential for individual sellers to achieve high sales figures with this brand.

Top Sellers List

  1. kirsten1982 - Revenue: $1312.00
  2. luv_crystal - Revenue: $1278.00
  3. heysunnyxo - Revenue: $923.00

Recommendation 👍

Loungefly's performance metrics are significantly better than the marketplace averages, indicating high demand and quicker sales cycles.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to stock Loungefly items due to their higher average price and faster sales turnaround. Focus on maintaining competitive pricing and quick shipping to capitalize on the brand's popularity. New sellers should consider entering this market, and existing sellers should increase their inventory of Loungefly items.

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