How well Golden Goose sells on Poshmark

Golden Goose on Poshmark: $256318 revenue, 1438 items sold, 1241 sellers. Avg price $178.25. Top sellers: bahamamama98, viktoriachurch, chloerosen.

Key Statistics for Golden Goose

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #50
  • Total Revenue: $256318
  • Items Sold: 1438
  • Average Sale Price: $178
  • Unique Sellers: 1241
  • Average Sales Per Day: 46
  • Average Days to Sell: 30 days

Overview of Golden Goose

Golden Goose achieved a total revenue of $256,318.00 from 1438 items sold last month, with an average price of $178.25 per item. The brand had participation from 1241 unique sellers.

Market Position of Golden Goose

Golden Goose's average revenue per sale of $178.25 significantly outperforms the overall marketplace average of $39.74. It ranks 50th in the marketplace, indicating a strong position relative to other brands.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
47 Torrid $266753 13522 $20 7558 40 days
48 Birkenstock $259423 5028 $52 3969 22 days
49 Balenciaga $257097 1067 $241 975 39 days
50 Golden Goose $256318 1438 $178 1241 30 days
51 American Eagle Outfitters $253472 15814 $16 11123 48 days
52 Sezane $252656 3107 $81 2017 10 days
53 Dr. Martens $248571 3927 $63 3399 11 days

Sales Performance of Golden Goose

Golden Goose's average sales per day stood at 46.39, and items took an average of 30.19 days to sell. Compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84 days) to sell, Golden Goose items sell considerably faster. The brand's higher average price also indicates a premium positioning in the market.

Top Sellers of Golden Goose on Poshmark

The top sellers for Golden Goose were bahamamama98 ($5625.00), viktoriachurch ($2173.00), and chloerosen ($1679.00). These sellers demonstrated significant sales volumes and likely contributed to the brand's strong performance.

Top Sellers List

  1. bahamamama98 - Revenue: $5625.00
  2. viktoriachurch - Revenue: $2173.00
  3. chloerosen - Revenue: $1679.00

Recommendation 👍

Golden Goose shows strong sales metrics, including high average prices and faster turnover compared to the marketplace average, indicating a profitable and desirable brand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing to capitalize on the brand's strong demand.,Consider increasing inventory levels to meet potential high demand and reduce the average days to sell.,Engage with successful sellers like bahamamama98, viktoriachurch, and chloerosen to understand their strategies and apply best practices.

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