How well Frye sells on Poshmark

Frye sales on Poshmark last month: $241,327 revenue, 2997 items sold, $80.52 avg price, 2499 unique sellers.

Key Statistics for Frye

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #54
  • Total Revenue: $241327
  • Items Sold: 2997
  • Average Sale Price: $81
  • Unique Sellers: 2499
  • Average Sales Per Day: 97
  • Average Days to Sell: 18 days

Overview of Frye

Frye generated $241,327 in revenue from 2997 items sold last month, averaging a price of $80.52 per item with 2499 unique sellers.

Market Position of Frye

Frye holds a strong position with an average sale price of $80.52, significantly higher than the marketplace average of $39.74, ranking 54th in sales.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
51 American Eagle Outfitters $253472 15814 $16 11123 48 days
52 Sezane $252656 3107 $81 2017 10 days
53 Dr. Martens $248571 3927 $63 3399 11 days
54 Frye $241327 2997 $81 2499 18 days
55 Under Armour $239678 13897 $17 9808 64 days
56 Bottega Veneta $236172 766 $308 651 47 days
57 Versace $231909 1499 $155 1150 23 days

Sales Performance of Frye

Frye's total revenue of $241,327 and 2997 items sold indicate robust demand. The brand's average sale price ($80.52) is more than double the overall marketplace average ($39.74). Items sell relatively quickly, with an average of 17.88 days compared to the market's 2021.17 hours.

Top Sellers of Frye on Poshmark

Top sellers like portlandpieces ($8977.00), catsmeowleather ($6215.00), and catgomezzz ($2533.00) have significantly contributed to overall revenue, indicating that specialized or high-volume sellers can achieve notable success.

Top Sellers List

  1. portlandpieces - Revenue: $8977.00
  2. catsmeowleather - Revenue: $6215.00
  3. catgomezzz - Revenue: $2533.00

Recommendation 👍

Frye's high average sale price and quick turnover time suggest strong brand desirability and profitability potential.

Suggestions for Sellers:

1. Focus on sourcing high-demand Frye items to capitalize on the brand's strong performance. 2. Optimize listings with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions to maintain quick sales. 3. Monitor top sellers for pricing and listing strategies to improve sales tactics.

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  • Items Sold: 3107
  • Avg Price: $81
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  • Items Sold: 3927
  • Avg Price: $63
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Under Armour

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  • Items Sold: 13897
  • Avg Price: $17
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Bottega Veneta

  • Revenue: $236172
  • Items Sold: 766
  • Avg Price: $308
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  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Avg Price: $226
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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