How well Aviator Nation sells on Poshmark

Aviator Nation achieved $178,338.00 in sales with 2,829 items sold and an average price of $63.04 last month on Poshmark.

Key Statistics for Aviator Nation

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #82
  • Total Revenue: $178338
  • Items Sold: 2829
  • Average Sale Price: $63
  • Unique Sellers: 1863
  • Average Sales Per Day: 91
  • Average Days to Sell: 11 days

Overview of Aviator Nation

Aviator Nation demonstrated strong performance on Poshmark last month with $178,338.00 in total revenue, 2,829 items sold, and an average price of $63.04. The brand engaged 1,863 unique sellers and achieved a current rank of 82.

Market Position of Aviator Nation

Aviator Nation is performing significantly above the marketplace averages. The brand's average price of $63.04 is substantially higher than the overall average revenue per sale of $39.74 and the median sale price of $23. Additionally, with an average selling time of 11.21 days (269.04 hours), Aviator Nation items sell much faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
79 Mcm $181228 1205 $150 797 26 days
80 Apple $180433 2104 $86 1857 72 days
81 Lucky Brand $180420 8916 $20 7219 80 days
82 Aviator Nation $178338 2829 $63 1863 11 days
83 Hoka $176521 2943 $60 2264 8 days
84 Loveshackfancy $175262 1804 $97 1437 21 days
85 Boden $171136 6022 $28 4631 65 days

Sales Performance of Aviator Nation

Aviator Nation's $178,338.00 in sales from 2,829 items results in a high average price of $63.04 per item. This indicates strong demand and a premium positioning within the marketplace. The daily sales average of 91.26 items and the short average days to sell (11.21 days) further highlight the brand's robust performance.

Top Sellers of Aviator Nation on Poshmark

Top sellers for Aviator Nation include usclimateaction with $14,995.00, summer_stern with $2,026.00, and rantab34 with $1,777.00 in sales. These sellers significantly contribute to the brand's overall revenue, indicating the presence of highly effective sellers who are likely leveraging excellent inventory, pricing strategies, and customer engagement.

Top Sellers List

  1. usclimateaction - Revenue: $14995.00
  2. summer_stern - Revenue: $2026.00
  3. rantab34 - Revenue: $1777.00

Recommendation 👍

Aviator Nation is outperforming marketplace averages in both price and speed of sales, making it a highly lucrative brand for sellers on Poshmark.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining a diverse inventory of Aviator Nation items, pricing competitively yet above the marketplace median, and leveraging fast shipping to attract buyers. Engaging with buyers and using high-quality photos can further enhance sales performance.

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