Amanda Uprichard Sales Stats on Poshmark
Current Amanda Uprichard performance metrics on Poshmark (last 30 days)
- Revenue Rank: #214
- Total Revenue: $67094
- Items Sold: 819
- Average Sale Price: $82
- Unique Sellers: 688
- Average Sales Per Day: 26
- Average Days to Sell: 52 days
How Amanda Uprichard Performs on Poshmark
In the past month, Amanda Uprichard generated $67,094 in revenue with 819 items sold, currently ranked 214 out of 1000 brands on Poshmark.
Amanda Uprichard holds a position within the top 21.4% of brands on Poshmark, promoting its brand visibility. This rank reflects its estimated market share within the competitive landscape of over 1000 brands.
Amanda Uprichard's performance shows a revenue gap compared to the top 10 brands on Poshmark, which average over $1.3 million. Its pricing strategy and unique product offerings can attract high-value customers in a competitive marketplace, although it needs to enhance its sales volume.
Rank | Brand | Total Revenue | Items Sold | Avg Sale Price | Unique Sellers | Avg Days to Sell |
211 | Hanna Andersson | $70090 | 4183 | $17 | 2721 | 92 days |
212 | Hollister | $68970 | 4656 | $15 | 3956 | 113 days |
213 | H&m | $67821 | 4160 | $16 | 3476 | 15 days |
214 | Amanda Uprichard | $67094 | 819 | $82 | 688 | 52 days |
215 | Kendra Scott | $66688 | 1870 | $36 | 1128 | 18 days |
216 | True Religion | $66513 | 2293 | $29 | 1998 | 157 days |
217 | Stella Mccartney | $66372 | 495 | $134 | 460 | 90 days |
Amanda Uprichard Pricing & Sales Data
The average sale price of $81.92 positions Amanda Uprichard as a premium brand on Poshmark, significantly above the platform's median sale price of $24. This suggests a target demographic willing to pay more for quality merchandise.
Amanda Uprichard's average days to sell is 52.27, which is notably longer than the overall marketplace average of 2008.52 hours (~83.69 days). With an average of 26.42 sales per day, its sales velocity indicates considerable demand relative to its inventory turnover.
When compared to neighboring brands in rankings, Amanda Uprichard's revenue is higher despite fewer items sold, resulting in a stronger average price point. It competes against brands like Clarks and Kendra Scott, which have significantly higher item volumes but lower average prices.
Amanda Uprichard competition on Poshmark
The brand has 688 unique sellers, indicating a competitive landscape on Poshmark. This level of seller involvement can contribute to varying success rates based on user engagement and marketing strategies.
Most Successful Amanda Uprichard Sellers
- nwtbrands2love - Monthly Revenue: $1597.00
- ruthierams - Monthly Revenue: $910.00
- miamioclock - Monthly Revenue: $835.00
Should You Resell Amanda Uprichard on Poshmark? 👍
The brand's premium pricing and revenue indicate a strong niche market. Resellers targeting fashion-conscious buyers can find success with well-positioned listings.
With typical sourcing costs being manageable against Poshmark's selling prices, resellers can anticipate solid returns after accounting for platform fees and typical sell-through rates.
Resellers should be aware of the competition level as many active sellers can affect individual visibility. Seasonal trends in fashion and inventory management will also play crucial roles.
Tips for Selling Amanda Uprichard
- Optimize listings with engaging photos and video to enhance visibility.
- Share items frequently to keep them active in the feed and attract potential buyers.
- Utilize Poshmark's social features for community engagement and to promote sales events.
- Research trending items and prioritize them in inventory to align with buyer demand.
- Monitor competitor pricing strategies to adjust listings and maintain competitive edge.