How well Men's Wallets sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Men's Wallets performance on Poshmark, including sales trends, pricing strategies, and market dynamics.

Men's Wallets Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #149
  • Total Revenue: $75983
  • Items Sold: 910
  • Average Sale Price: $84
  • Unique Sellers: 693
  • Average Sales Per Day: 29
  • Average Days to Sell: 158 days

How Men's Wallets Performs on Poshmark

Men's Wallets on Poshmark have generated a total revenue of $75,983 from 910 items sold, with an average sale price of $83.50. The category ranks #149 out of 610, indicating moderate performance within the platform.

Ranking at #149 suggests that while Men's Wallets are a significant category, there is ample room for growth and improvement. With 693 unique sellers, competition is present but not overly saturated, indicating potential for new entrants.

Current trends indicate a growing interest in sustainable and ethically-produced wallets, which could influence buyer preferences. Future outlook shows potential for growth as more consumers look for durable and stylish options. Leveraging social media trends can also help boost visibility.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
146 Women's Shapewear Intimates & Sleepwear $76954 2999 $26 2175 107 days
147 Home Sheets $76678 1611 $48 1052 140 days
148 Women's Moisturizer Skincare $76050 2349 $32 1580 186 days
149 Men's Wallets $75983 910 $84 693 158 days
150 Women's Panties $75639 4039 $19 2154 119 days
151 Women's Brooches $75433 2301 $33 1037 83 days
152 Men's Messenger Bags $75408 494 $153 443 115 days

Men's Wallets Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $83.50 positions Men's Wallets at a mid-range price point. Competitive pricing strategies should take into account the quality and brand of the wallets being sold. To optimize sales, resellers can consider offering bundles or discounts on multiple purchases to attract buyers.

With an average of 29.35 sales per day and an average days to sell of 157.99, the sales velocity is relatively slow. This indicates that while there is consistent demand, items take time to move. Resellers should focus on enhancing item listings to increase visibility and potentially decrease sell-through times.

Compared to other categories, Men's Wallets are performing reasonably well, ranking higher than several other categories on Poshmark. However, they are not in the top tier, indicating that while there is potential, it may require more strategic marketing and inventory management to elevate sales.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Louis Vuitton - Revenue: $25251.00
  2. Gucci - Revenue: $11459.00
  3. Michael Kors - Revenue: $7696.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. marleneluxbrand - Revenue: $1998.00
  2. shop_280 - Revenue: $1900.00
  3. finandmo - Revenue: $1835.00

Should You Sell Men's Wallets on Poshmark? 👍

The market consists of 693 unique sellers, suggesting a diverse range of products but also healthy competition. Sellers should differentiate their offerings through branding, product descriptions, and photography to stand out in the marketplace.

The Men's Wallets category shows a steady demand with opportunities for resellers to capitalize on by optimizing their listings and inventory.

Given the average sale price and consistent sales volume, there is strong potential for ROI, especially for sellers who can source quality wallets at lower prices.

Key risks include fluctuating fashion trends, potential oversaturation in the market, and competition from both new and established sellers.

Tips for Selling Men's Wallets

  • 1. Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions emphasizing unique features.
  • 2. Monitor market trends and adjust inventory based on popular styles and brands.
  • 3. Engage with potential buyers through social media to drive traffic to listings.
  • 4. Consider seasonal promotions or discounts to boost sales during peak shopping times.
  • 5. Collaborate with influencers to increase brand visibility and attract more customers.

Top Categories in Men

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2746928
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2490973
  3. Men's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $1489558

Related Subcategories to Men's Wallets

  1. Men's Backpacks - Revenue: $169370
  2. Men's Wallets - Revenue: $75983
  3. Men's Messenger Bags - Revenue: $75408
  4. Men's Luggage & Travel Bags - Revenue: $71154
  5. Men's Duffel Bags - Revenue: $57639
  6. Men's Belt Bags - Revenue: $29802
  7. Men's Briefcases - Revenue: $21281
  8. Men's Laptop Bags - Revenue: $11533
  9. Men's Toiletry Bags - Revenue: $5140
See all categories
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