How well Men's Items sell on Poshmark

Men's items on Poshmark generated $10.99M in revenue, 289K sales, with an average sale price of $38.01 and ranked #2 in revenue.

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Key Statistics for Men's Items

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #2
  • Total Revenue: $10990806.0
  • Items Sold: 289141
  • Average Sale Price: $38.01
  • Unique Sellers: 170578
  • Average Sales Per Day: 466.36
  • Average Days to Sell: 93.42 days

Overview of Men's Items

Men's items on Poshmark performed strongly with $10.99M in revenue and 289,141 items sold. The average sale price of $38.01 is slightly below the marketplace average of $39.74 but significantly higher than the median sale price of $23 across all categories. Sellers are averaging 466.36 sales per day, and items take an average of 93.42 days to sell, which is considerably faster than the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Market Position of Men's Items

Men's items ranked #2 in revenue across all categories, indicating a strong demand and competitive positioning within the marketplace. Despite the slight underperformance in average sale price compared to the marketplace average, the category benefits from a faster turnover rate and high sales volume, making it one of the top performers on Poshmark.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
1 Women's Items $67946617 1605089 $42 829003 138 days
2 Men's Items $10990806 289141 $38 170578 93 days
3 Kids Items $3297792 167369 $20 106450 112 days
4 Home Items $2168924 69030 $31 45320 166 days
5 Electronics Items $703254 10773 $65 9253 100 days

Sales Performance of Men's Items

With 289,141 items sold and an average sale price of $38.01, Men's items generated substantial revenue. The average time to sell (93.42 days) is much quicker than the marketplace average of 84.22 days, which reflects healthy demand and shorter inventory turnover. The sales per day metric (466.36) is consistent, contributing to the category's strong revenue performance. While the average sale price is slightly lower than the marketplace average, the higher sales volume compensates for this.

Recommendation 👍

Men's items are performing well in terms of revenue generation, sales volume, and selling speed. The high volume of sales and competitive turnover rate make it a solid category for sellers. The slight underperformance in average sale price compared to the marketplace average is offset by faster sales and high demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing to ensure continued high sales volume while exploring opportunities to increase the average sale price. Offering bundles, promoting higher-value items, or targeting niche men's fashion trends could further boost profitability. Sellers should also take advantage of the relatively fast turnover to rotate inventory efficiently.

Top Categories in Men's Items

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2720330
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2478211
  3. Men's Accessories - Revenue: $1249910

Top Subcategories in Men's Items

  1. Men's Sneakers - Revenue: $771213
  2. Men's Athletic Shoes - Revenue: $645412
  3. Men's Casual Button Down Shirts - Revenue: $578664
See all categories
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