How well Electronics VR, AR & Accessories sell on Poshmark

Electronics VR, AR & Accessories on Poshmark: High average sale price, slow sell-through rate, unique seller base, revenue rank #71.

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Key Statistics for Electronics VR, AR & Accessories

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #71
  • Total Revenue: $10456.0
  • Items Sold: 65
  • Average Sale Price: $160.86
  • Unique Sellers: 64
  • Average Sales Per Day: 2.1
  • Average Days to Sell: 89.42 days

Overview of Electronics VR, AR & Accessories

Electronics VR, AR & Accessories generated $10,456 in revenue from 65 items sold, averaging $160.86 per sale. The average sales per day is 2.10, with items taking an average of 89.42 days to sell. With 64 unique sellers, the category ranks #71 in revenue across the marketplace.

Market Position of Electronics VR, AR & Accessories

This category significantly outperforms the overall marketplace in terms of average sale price ($160.86 vs. $39.74) and median sale price ($160.86 vs. $23). However, the average days to sell (89.42 days) is longer than the marketplace average (84 days), indicating slower turnover despite higher price points.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
68 Women's Kimonos & Yukatas $17010 498 $34 406 102 days
69 Men's Grooming $16792 480 $35 358 181 days
70 Electronics Media $14770 544 $27 404 115 days
71 Electronics VR, AR & Accessories $10456 65 $161 64 89 days
72 Home Party Supplies $7095 386 $18 307 359 days
73 Home Design $6481 306 $21 164 102 days

Sales Performance of Electronics VR, AR & Accessories

The category has a high average sale price, contributing to strong revenue generation despite a relatively small number of items sold. With only 65 items sold and 64 unique sellers, most sellers are likely making only a single sale per month. The average days to sell (89.42) exceeds the marketplace average of 84 days, suggesting slower demand or a more niche market. Given the high price point, this slow turnover is less concerning but could be improved.

Top Brands in Electronics VR, AR & Accessories on Poshmark

  1. Oculus - Revenue: $6872.00
  2. Apple - Revenue: $2420.00
  3. Sony - Revenue: $521.00

Top Sellers in Electronics VR, AR & Accessories on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics VR, AR & Accessories:

  1. aprilkryoung - Revenue: $2300.00
  2. malcat11 - Revenue: $350.00
  3. nicolee0804 - Revenue: $300.00

Recommendation 👍

The category's high average sale price and revenue potential outweigh the slightly longer time to sell. The niche nature of VR, AR, and accessories may naturally lead to slower sales, but the higher price points justify the wait. The category is competitive, ranking #71 in revenue, which is reasonable given its specialized nature.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on optimizing product listings with detailed descriptions and competitive pricing to reduce time-to-sell. Offering discounts or bundling accessories could help move inventory faster. Leveraging social media and targeted marketing on tech forums could drive more niche traffic to listings.

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