How well Electronics Video Games & Consoles sell on Poshmark

Discover insights into Electronics Video Games & Consoles on Poshmark, including sales trends, pricing strategies, and market dynamics.

Electronics Video Games & Consoles Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #59
  • Total Revenue: $51249
  • Items Sold: 989
  • Average Sale Price: $52
  • Unique Sellers: 764
  • Average Sales Per Day: 32
  • Average Days to Sell: 59 days

How Electronics Video Games & Consoles Performs on Poshmark

The Electronics Video Games & Consoles category on Poshmark has generated $51,249 in revenue from 989 items sold, with an average sale price of $51.82. This category ranks #59 out of 101, indicating moderate performance in Poshmark's marketplace.

Positioned in the mid-range of Poshmark's categories, the Electronics Video Games & Consoles segment faces competition from a diverse array of sellers. However, with nearly 800 unique sellers, the market is saturated, which may dilute individual seller performance.

{"currentTrends":"Increased interest in retro gaming and limited edition releases is driving demand. Seasonal sales and promotions can also boost visibility and sales.","futureOutlook":"Anticipating trends in gaming technology and consumer preferences will be essential. Resellers should stay informed about the latest gaming news and releases."}

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
56 Home Art $69634 1906 $37 1354 134 days
57 Home Bath $58422 1929 $30 1392 233 days
58 Men's Swim $54323 2167 $25 1844 139 days
59 Electronics Video Games & Consoles $51249 989 $52 764 59 days
60 Home Wall Decor $43169 1413 $31 1070 181 days
61 Home Storage & Organization $40926 1505 $27 1240 173 days
62 Pets Dog $36304 1563 $23 1227 200 days

Electronics Video Games & Consoles Pricing & Sales Data

{"currentPricing":{"avgSalePrice":51.82,"priceRange":"Items likely vary from $20 to $150, depending on condition and popularity.","pricingStrategy":"Sellers should consider competitive pricing based on recent sales data and unique item features."},"trends":"Prices have shown stability but are influenced by trends in gaming popularity, new releases, and collector demand."}

{"averageSalesPerDay":31.9,"averageDaysToSell":58.54,"summary":"The category enjoys a solid sales velocity, averaging almost 32 sales per day. However, the average time to sell of 58.54 days suggests opportunities for improvement in selling speed."}

{"comparison":"Compared to other categories on Poshmark, Electronics Video Games & Consoles ranks in the lower half. This suggests room for growth and improvement in sales strategies.","opportunities":"The category can capitalize on niche markets, such as vintage consoles or rare games, which may not be as saturated."}

Top Performing Brands

  1. Nintendo - Revenue: $28984.00
  2. Sony - Revenue: $11723.00
  3. Microsoft - Revenue: $3909.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. wild_cherries - Revenue: $1250.00
  2. sampepper313 - Revenue: $600.00
  3. skylerstauffer - Revenue: $575.00

Should You Sell Electronics Video Games & Consoles on Poshmark? đź‘Ť

{"uniqueSellers":764,"competitionAnalysis":"The presence of 764 unique sellers indicates a competitive environment. Sellers are encouraged to differentiate their listings through high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing."}

Despite moderate category rank, strong sales volume and revenue indicate potential for growth.

With effective strategies, resellers can achieve a significant ROI, especially with trending items.

Market saturation and the rapid evolution of gaming technology may present risks, particularly for dated or generic items.

Tips for Selling Electronics Video Games & Consoles

  • 1. Research trends in gaming to identify hot items that are likely to sell fast.
  • 2. Optimize listings with high-quality images and SEO-friendly descriptions to enhance visibility.
  • 3. Consider bundling related items to increase average order value.
  • 4. Engage with buyers through comments and offers to build relationships and encourage repeat sales.
  • 5. Monitor competitors’ pricing and adjust strategies accordingly to remain competitive.

Categories related to Electronics Video Games & Consoles

Top Subcategories in Electronics Video Games & Consoles

  1. Electronics Consoles - Revenue: $14968
  2. Electronics Video Games - Revenue: $12185
  3. Electronics Handheld Consoles - Revenue: $11285
See all categories
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