How well Electronics Video Games & Consoles sell on Poshmark

Electronics Video Games & Consoles on Poshmark: $62K revenue, 1199 items sold, 51.73 average sale price, 51 days to sell, ranked #58.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Video Games & Consoles

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #58
  • Total Revenue: $62020.0
  • Items Sold: 1199
  • Average Sale Price: $51.73
  • Unique Sellers: 892
  • Average Sales Per Day: 38.68
  • Average Days to Sell: 50.96 days

Overview of Electronics Video Games & Consoles

The Electronics Video Games & Consoles category generated $62,020 in revenue from 1,199 items sold, with an average sale price of $51.73 and an average time to sell of 50.96 days.

Market Position of Electronics Video Games & Consoles

This category outperforms the average marketplace sale price of $39.74 and median sale price of $23, indicating a higher-value product segment. However, its revenue rank is relatively low (#58), suggesting that while individual items sell for more, it may not be a top-performing volume category.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
55 Men's Swim $78658 3045 $26 2553 142 days
56 Home Art $77668 1908 $41 1331 131 days
57 Home Office $71601 2842 $25 1855 218 days
58 Electronics Video Games & Consoles $62020 1199 $52 892 51 days
59 Home Bath $59156 1996 $30 1429 235 days
60 Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts $45569 539 $85 498 132 days
61 Electronics Tablets & Accessories $44980 555 $81 493 90 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Video Games & Consoles

The category's average sale price of $51.73 is significantly above the marketplace average of $39.74, indicating strong demand for higher-priced items. However, the average time to sell is 50.96 days, which is much faster than the marketplace-wide average of 2021.17 hours (~84.22 days). This indicates that while items are priced higher, they are selling relatively quickly compared to other categories.

Top Brands in Electronics Video Games & Consoles on Poshmark

  1. Nintendo - Revenue: $36809.00
  2. Sony - Revenue: $14974.00
  3. Microsoft - Revenue: $4216.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Video Games & Consoles on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Video Games & Consoles:

  1. sampepper313 - Revenue: $600.00
  2. cashmoneynow - Revenue: $576.00
  3. skylerstauffer - Revenue: $575.00

Recommendation 👍

The category shows strong pricing power with a higher-than-average sale price and a faster time to sell compared to the marketplace overall. Despite its lower revenue rank, it demonstrates a healthy balance of pricing and turnover.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to focus on competitive pricing strategies and list high-demand items to maintain quick sales. Offering bundles or promotions on popular consoles and games may further boost revenue.

Categories related to Electronics Video Games & Consoles

Top Subcategories in Electronics Video Games & Consoles

  1. Electronics Consoles - Revenue: $17336
  2. Electronics Video Games - Revenue: $14915
  3. Electronics Handheld Consoles - Revenue: $13689
See all categories
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