How well Electronics Portable Audio & Video sells on Poshmark

Portable Audio & Video on Poshmark: $28.4K revenue, 464 items sold, $61.20 avg price, 111.54 days to sell, ranked #66 in revenue.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Portable Audio & Video

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #66
  • Total Revenue: $28399.0
  • Items Sold: 464
  • Average Sale Price: $61.2
  • Unique Sellers: 415
  • Average Sales Per Day: 14.97
  • Average Days to Sell: 111.54 days

Overview of Electronics Portable Audio & Video

The Electronics Portable Audio & Video category generated $28,399 in revenue from 464 items sold, with an average sale price of $61.20. The category ranks #66 in total revenue and has an average of 14.97 sales per day. It takes an average of 111.54 days to sell an item in this category.

Market Position of Electronics Portable Audio & Video

This category performs better than the marketplace average in terms of revenue per sale. At $61.20, the average sale price is significantly higher than the marketplace average of $39.74 and the median of $23. However, the category has a relatively low rank (#66) in overall revenue performance, indicating that it may not be a top performer in the broader marketplace. The category’s average time to sell (111.54 days) is much faster than the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours), suggesting a quicker turnover rate.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
63 Home Wall Decor $42282 1426 $30 1116 185 days
64 Pets Dog $40485 1418 $29 1081 192 days
65 Kids Swim $40197 2461 $16 1980 173 days
66 Electronics Portable Audio & Video $28399 464 $61 415 112 days
67 Home Games $24598 1040 $24 822 108 days
68 Women's Kimonos & Yukatas $17010 498 $34 406 102 days
69 Men's Grooming $16792 480 $35 358 181 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Portable Audio & Video

The category’s higher-than-average sale price ($61.20 vs $39.74) indicates that buyers are willing to spend more on portable audio and video products. However, with 415 unique sellers and only 464 items sold, the average seller only sells about 1.12 items per month, which is relatively low. The faster-than-average time to sell (111.54 days vs 84.22 days) shows that products in this category are moving at a decent pace, reducing the risk of long inventory holding periods.

Top Brands in Electronics Portable Audio & Video on Poshmark

  1. Bose - Revenue: $5517.00
  2. JBL - Revenue: $5404.00
  3. Apple - Revenue: $3998.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Portable Audio & Video on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Portable Audio & Video:

  1. chanelshegetit - Revenue: $2600.00
  2. bullseye_deals - Revenue: $664.00
  3. octobergreen - Revenue: $464.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category has a higher-than-average sale price and a faster turnover rate, its low ranking in overall revenue and low sales per seller per month suggest limited demand. The category is not a top performer but retains potential for sellers with the right products.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on optimizing listings for high-demand products within this category, such as popular brands or trending gadgets. Offering competitive pricing and promoting items through Poshmark's sharing and discount tools could help increase sales volume. Additionally, bundling accessories or offering limited-time discounts may help improve overall sales.

Categories related to Electronics Portable Audio & Video

Top Subcategories in Electronics Portable Audio & Video

  1. Electronics Portable Speakers - Revenue: $15453
See all categories
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