How well Electronics Other sells on Poshmark

Electronics Other on Poshmark ranks #21, with $93,846 revenue, 1628 items sold, and an average sale price of $57.64, outperforming marketplace averages.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Other

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #50
  • Total Revenue: $93846.0
  • Items Sold: 1628
  • Average Sale Price: $57.64
  • Unique Sellers: 1456
  • Average Sales Per Day: 52.52
  • Average Days to Sell: 96.68 days

Overview of Electronics Other

The Electronics Other category generated $93,846 in revenue from 1,628 items sold, with an average sale price of $57.64. It ranks #21 in revenue and has an average sales volume of 52.52 items per day. The average time to sell an item is 96.68 days.

Market Position of Electronics Other

Electronics Other has a higher-than-average sale price compared to the marketplace's average revenue per sale ($57.64 vs $39.74). It also moves products much faster, with an average of 96.68 days to sell, compared to the marketplace's average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours). However, the category's revenue rank of #21 suggests there's room for growth despite these positive indicators.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
47 Kids Accessories $117061 5914 $20 4704 166 days
48 Kids Costumes $107609 4883 $22 3662 88 days
49 Electronics Wearables $106097 1189 $89 1107 62 days
50 Electronics Other $93846 1628 $58 1456 97 days
51 Kids Other $88592 3685 $24 3025 105 days
52 Men's Underwear & Socks $86354 4361 $20 2381 227 days
53 Electronics Headphones $86229 1187 $73 1054 72 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Other

The category's average sale price of $57.64 is significantly higher than the marketplace's median of $23, indicating premium pricing potential. With 1,456 unique sellers, the sales per seller remain relatively low (approximately 1.12 items per seller), suggesting either a high degree of seller fragmentation or that most sellers aren't specializing in electronics. The average days to sell (96.68 days) is much faster than the marketplace average, indicating strong demand for this category.

Top Brands in Electronics Other on Poshmark

  1. Texas Instruments - Revenue: $11845.00
  2. Dyson - Revenue: $7410.00
  3. ResMed - Revenue: $4501.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Other on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Other:

  1. lynhuck - Revenue: $1860.00
  2. apollinairefash - Revenue: $1450.00
  3. bullseye_deals - Revenue: $1119.00

Recommendation 👍

Electronics Other outperforms the marketplace in terms of average sale price and time to sell. Although its revenue rank could improve, the higher price point and faster turnover make this a viable category for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on sourcing high-quality electronics to maintain premium pricing. Consider bundling related items to increase sales volume per seller. To further improve time to sell, invest in quality listings with clear, detailed descriptions and competitive pricing strategies.

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