How well Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts sell on Poshmark

Electronics Computers & Laptops on Poshmark generated $45.5K revenue, high ASP at $84.54, but 132 days to sell, ranking #60 overall.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #60
  • Total Revenue: $45569.0
  • Items Sold: 539
  • Average Sale Price: $84.54
  • Unique Sellers: 498
  • Average Sales Per Day: 17.39
  • Average Days to Sell: 132.42 days

Overview of Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts

The Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts category generated $45,569 in revenue from 539 items sold, with an average sale price (ASP) of $84.54 and took an average of 132.42 days to sell.

Market Position of Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts

With a revenue rank of #60, this category outperforms the overall marketplace in terms of revenue per sale ($84.54 vs. $39.74) and median sale price ($84.54 vs. $23). However, it takes significantly longer to sell (132.42 days vs. 84.2 days for the overall marketplace).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
57 Home Office $71601 2842 $25 1855 218 days
58 Electronics Video Games & Consoles $62020 1199 $52 892 51 days
59 Home Bath $59156 1996 $30 1429 235 days
60 Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts $45569 539 $85 498 132 days
61 Electronics Tablets & Accessories $44980 555 $81 493 90 days
62 Home Storage & Organization $42763 1607 $27 1301 194 days
63 Home Wall Decor $42282 1426 $30 1116 185 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts

The category had 539 items sold, generating an average of 17.39 sales per day. The average sale price of $84.54 is more than double the marketplace average of $39.74, indicating strong demand for higher-value items. However, the average days to sell is 132.42, considerably better than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (84.2 days), but still indicates slower turnover compared to faster-selling categories.

Top Brands in Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts on Poshmark

  1. Apple - Revenue: $20443.00
  2. Microsoft - Revenue: $5632.00
  3. ASUS - Revenue: $3743.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts:

  1. nhipham0302 - Revenue: $889.00
  2. poshlyposh - Revenue: $800.00
  3. shwtykqilee - Revenue: $800.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category has a high average sale price and strong revenue per transaction, the long time it takes for items to sell limits its potential for rapid turnover. The category ranks #60, suggesting moderate competition and demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on improving listing quality with better descriptions, competitive pricing, and offering bundles to increase value. Consider promoting high-demand items or offering discounts to reduce the average days to sell.

Categories related to Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts

Top Subcategories in Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts

  1. Electronics Laptops - Revenue: $25458
See all categories
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