How well Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories sell on Poshmark

Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories on Poshmark generated $79,369 in revenue with 2,063 items sold, avg sale price $38.47, 107 days to sell.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #54
  • Total Revenue: $79369.0
  • Items Sold: 2063
  • Average Sale Price: $38.47
  • Unique Sellers: 1695
  • Average Sales Per Day: 66.55
  • Average Days to Sell: 107.03 days

Overview of Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories

The Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories category on Poshmark generated $79,369 in total revenue from 2,063 items sold, averaging $38.47 per sale. Sellers typically take 107 days to sell an item, and there were 1,695 unique sellers contributing to sales. This sector averaged 66.55 sales per day.

Market Position of Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories

With a Revenue Rank of #54, this category is a mid-tier performer on Poshmark. The average sale price ($38.47) is slightly below the marketplace average ($39.74). However, it's well above the median sale price of $23, indicating that higher-end items are contributing to stronger sales. The time to sell (107 days) is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84 days), suggesting solid demand compared to other categories.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
51 Kids Other $88592 3685 $24 3025 105 days
52 Men's Underwear & Socks $86354 4361 $20 2381 227 days
53 Electronics Headphones $86229 1187 $73 1054 72 days
54 Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories $79369 2063 $38 1695 107 days
55 Men's Swim $78658 3045 $26 2553 142 days
56 Home Art $77668 1908 $41 1331 131 days
57 Home Office $71601 2842 $25 1855 218 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories

The average sale price of $38.47 is competitive, though slightly under the marketplace average of $39.74. The category's average days to sell (107 days) is faster than the marketplace average, indicating that items in this category are selling at a reasonable pace. However, the revenue rank (#54) suggests room for growth, as other categories are generating more revenue. The 1,695 unique sellers and 2,063 items sold indicate a diverse seller base, but sellers may be facing stiff competition to differentiate their products.

Top Brands in Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories on Poshmark

  1. Apple - Revenue: $34707.00
  2. Samsung - Revenue: $7998.00
  3. Loopy Case - Revenue: $6184.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories:

  1. bullseye_deals - Revenue: $1738.00
  2. kathpresley - Revenue: $1095.00
  3. themaneedit - Revenue: $880.00

Recommendation 👌

The category is performing decently with a competitive average sale price and relatively short time to sell compared to the marketplace as a whole. However, the revenue rank of #54 suggests it's not a top-performing category, and the slight underperformance in average sale price compared to the marketplace average shows there is room for improvement. The data suggests steady but not outstanding performance.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on competitive pricing strategies to edge closer to, or exceed, the marketplace average sale price. Offering unique or higher-value products could help boost the average sale price and overall revenue. Additionally, enhancing product listings with better descriptions, photos, and targeted promotions could help reduce the time to sell and increase sales volume.

Categories related to Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories

Top Subcategories in Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories

  1. Electronics Cell Phones - Revenue: $36747
  2. Electronics Cases - Revenue: $26977
See all categories
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