How well Electronics Digital Cameras sell on Poshmark

Digital Cameras on Poshmark: $67,968 revenue, 439 items sold, avg sales price $154.82, 43.99 days to sell.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Digital Cameras

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #162
  • Total Revenue: $67968.0
  • Items Sold: 439
  • Average Sale Price: $154.82
  • Unique Sellers: 378
  • Average Sales Per Day: 14.16
  • Average Days to Sell: 43.99 days

Overview of Electronics Digital Cameras

The Digital Cameras category on Poshmark generated $67,968 in revenue from 439 items sold, with an average sale price of $154.82 and an average of 14.16 sales per day. The average time to sell an item was 43.99 days.

Market Position of Electronics Digital Cameras

Compared to the overall marketplace averages, the Digital Cameras category has a significantly higher average sale price ($154.82 vs. $39.74) and a quicker turnover rate (43.99 days vs. 84.22 days). Despite these strengths, the category ranks #162 in revenue, indicating a niche but high-value market.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
159 Women's A-Line or Full Skirts $69862 2724 $26 2462 106 days
160 Electronics Smartwatches $69267 768 $90 722 59 days
161 Home Dinnerware Dining $68468 1987 $34 1398 182 days
162 Electronics Digital Cameras $67968 439 $155 378 44 days
163 Kids Halloween Costumes $67870 2937 $23 2318 71 days
164 Men's Suits $67733 755 $90 592 113 days
165 Women's Brooches $66970 2112 $32 939 87 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Digital Cameras

The category's total revenue of $67,968 from 439 items sold results in an average revenue per sale of $154.82, which is significantly higher than the marketplace average of $39.74. With 378 unique sellers, each seller averaged about 1.16 sales. The category's average days to sell (43.99 days) is much lower than the marketplace average of 84.22 days, indicating a relatively faster sales cycle.

Top Brands in Electronics Digital Cameras on Poshmark

  1. Canon - Revenue: $36909.00
  2. Nikon - Revenue: $9834.00
  3. Sony - Revenue: $9301.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Digital Cameras on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Digital Cameras:

  1. lashoppe744 - Revenue: $1860.00
  2. atryb - Revenue: $1200.00
  3. vanchi820 - Revenue: $1150.00

Recommendation 👍

The Digital Cameras category demonstrates strong performance with a high average sale price and quicker turnover compared to the marketplace averages. The niche market offers substantial revenue potential for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing to leverage the high average sale price. Additionally, sellers could benefit from enhancing their marketing efforts to increase visibility and potentially shorten the average days to sell further.

Top Categories in Electronics

  1. Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video - Revenue: $122950
  2. Electronics Wearables - Revenue: $106097
  3. Electronics Other - Revenue: $93846

Related Subcategories to Electronics Digital Cameras

  1. Electronics Digital Cameras - Revenue: $67968
  2. Electronics Film Photography Cameras, Photo & Video - Revenue: $15258
See all categories
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