How well Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video sells on Poshmark

Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video on Poshmark: $122950 revenue, 1209 items sold, 63.92 days to sell, $101.70 avg sale price.

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Key Statistics for Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #45
  • Total Revenue: $122950.0
  • Items Sold: 1209
  • Average Sale Price: $101.7
  • Unique Sellers: 1050
  • Average Sales Per Day: 39.0
  • Average Days to Sell: 63.92 days

Overview of Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video

The Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video category generated $122,950 in revenue from 1209 items sold, with an average sale price of $101.70. It took an average of 63.92 days to sell an item, with 1050 unique sellers contributing to the category's performance.

Market Position of Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video

This category ranks #45 in revenue, with an average sale price significantly higher ($101.70) than the marketplace average ($39.74) and a faster average time to sell (63.92 days vs. 84.2 days across all categories). This positions it as a high-value, moderately quick-turnover category.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
42 Kids Matching Sets $145279 7354 $20 4880 115 days
43 Women's Bath & Body $139864 5626 $25 3176 162 days
44 Men's Other $127949 3185 $40 2481 97 days
45 Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video $122950 1209 $102 1050 64 days
46 Kids One Pieces $118813 7147 $17 4223 102 days
47 Kids Accessories $117061 5914 $20 4704 166 days
48 Kids Costumes $107609 4883 $22 3662 88 days

Sales Performance of Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video

The category outperforms the marketplace in terms of revenue per sale ($101.70 vs. $39.74) and sells faster, with an average of 63.92 days compared to the market average of 84.2 days. However, the category's total sales volume (1209 items sold) and revenue rank (#45) suggest that it has room for growth in terms of overall market share, despite strong individual transaction values.

Top Brands in Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video on Poshmark

  1. Canon - Revenue: $52578.00
  2. Nikon - Revenue: $14920.00
  3. Sony - Revenue: $12048.00

Top Sellers in Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video:

  1. danivntg - Revenue: $3930.00
  2. lashoppe744 - Revenue: $1860.00
  3. melissademaran - Revenue: $1800.00

Recommendation 👍

The category demonstrates strong performance with high average sale prices and faster-than-average sell times. While it ranks relatively low in total revenue, its high-value items contribute to its profitability. The category is attractive for sellers who can offer quality products that match buyer demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on sourcing high-quality, in-demand electronics with competitive pricing. Improving product descriptions and leveraging keywords could further optimize sell-through rates. Additionally, offering accessories or bundles could boost sales volume and increase market share.

Categories related to Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video

Top Subcategories in Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video

  1. Electronics Digital Cameras - Revenue: $67968
  2. Electronics Film Photography Cameras, Photo & Video - Revenue: $15258
See all categories
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