How well Veronica Beard sells on Poshmark

Veronica Beard on Poshmark: $222185 revenue, 2154 items sold, 1691 sellers, avg price $103.15. Rank 62.

Key Statistics for Veronica Beard

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #62
  • Total Revenue: $222185
  • Items Sold: 2154
  • Average Sale Price: $103
  • Unique Sellers: 1691
  • Average Sales Per Day: 69
  • Average Days to Sell: 25 days

Overview of Veronica Beard

Veronica Beard generated a total revenue of $222185.00 from 2154 items sold by 1691 unique sellers last month. The average price per item was $103.15, with an average sales volume of 69.48 items per day. The brand currently holds a rank of 62 on the marketplace.

Market Position of Veronica Beard

Veronica Beard's average price per item ($103.15) significantly exceeds the marketplace average sale price ($39.74) and median sale price ($23), indicating a premium brand positioning. Items sold relatively quickly, taking an average of 25.13 days to sell compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days), suggesting strong demand.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
59 Doen $225345 1717 $131 1217 18 days
60 Chloe $224844 1046 $215 898 41 days
61 Jordan $222840 4095 $54 2970 6 days
62 Veronica Beard $222185 2154 $103 1691 25 days
63 Ariat $221942 6231 $36 4777 52 days
64 Mother $218044 3258 $67 2556 15 days
65 Skims $214085 6716 $32 3555 25 days

Sales Performance of Veronica Beard

The brand's total revenue of $222185.00 from 2154 items sold indicates a healthy demand and strong sales performance. With an average price of $103.15, Veronica Beard's items are positioned as premium products. The consistent daily sales volume of 69.48 items suggests robust and steady consumer interest.

Top Sellers of Veronica Beard on Poshmark

Top sellers for Veronica Beard include peachstatevault ($4686.00), findingcouture ($2270.00), and nyceliteboutiqu ($2236.00). These sellers significantly contributed to the brand's overall revenue, with peachstatevault leading by a substantial margin. Their success may be attributed to effective listing strategies, competitive pricing, and high-quality inventory.

Top Sellers List

  1. peachstatevault - Revenue: $4686.00
  2. findingcouture - Revenue: $2270.00
  3. nyceliteboutiqu - Revenue: $2236.00

Recommendation 👍

The brand's high average price per item, quick turnover rate, and substantial total revenue indicate a strong market presence and high consumer demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing to capitalize on the brand's premium positioning. Additionally, leveraging successful strategies from top sellers like peachstatevault can help improve sales performance.

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