How well Torrid sells on Poshmark

Torrid on Poshmark: $266,753 revenue, 13,522 items sold, avg price $19.73, 7,558 sellers. Avg days to sell: 40.34.

Key Statistics for Torrid

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #47
  • Total Revenue: $266753
  • Items Sold: 13522
  • Average Sale Price: $20
  • Unique Sellers: 7558
  • Average Sales Per Day: 436
  • Average Days to Sell: 40 days

Overview of Torrid

In the past month, Torrid on Poshmark generated $266,753 in revenue from 13,522 items sold by 7,558 unique sellers, with an average price of $19.73 per item.

Market Position of Torrid

Torrid's average sale price of $19.73 is significantly lower than the overall marketplace average of $39.74, and the median sale price of $23. The brand ranks 47th in the marketplace.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
44 Saint Laurent $274429 720 $381 661 51 days
45 David Yurman $268061 959 $280 686 48 days
46 Vans $267510 11080 $24 8440 70 days
47 Torrid $266753 13522 $20 7558 40 days
48 Birkenstock $259423 5028 $52 3969 22 days
49 Balenciaga $257097 1067 $241 975 39 days
50 Golden Goose $256318 1438 $178 1241 30 days

Sales Performance of Torrid

Torrid sold 13,522 items last month, averaging 436.19 sales per day, with an average of 40.34 days to sell an item. This indicates a reasonably quick turnover compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approx. 84.22 days).

Top Sellers of Torrid on Poshmark

The top sellers for Torrid were curvyconsign ($1809.00), khloeskloset81 ($1585.00), and loving_life_831 ($1042.00). These sellers accounted for a small but notable portion of total sales, indicating that a few sellers managed to achieve higher sales volumes.

Top Sellers List

  1. curvyconsign - Revenue: $1809.00
  2. khloeskloset81 - Revenue: $1585.00
  3. loving_life_831 - Revenue: $1042.00

Recommendation ๐Ÿ‘Œ

While Torrid has a high turnover rate and a large number of items sold, the average sale price is significantly lower than the marketplace average, which may impact profitability.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on listing high-demand Torrid items to maintain quick turnover. Consider pricing strategies to potentially increase the average sale price while staying competitive. Highlighting the brandโ€™s quick selling time could attract more buyers.

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  • Items Sold: 5028
  • Avg Price: $52
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  • Items Sold: 1067
  • Avg Price: $241
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  • Items Sold: 7299
  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Items Sold: 9368
  • Avg Price: $226
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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