How well The Row sells on Poshmark

The Row on Poshmark: $88,706 revenue, 203 items sold, avg price $436.98, 82.41 days to sell, rank 163.

Key Statistics for The Row

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #163
  • Total Revenue: $88706
  • Items Sold: 203
  • Average Sale Price: $437
  • Unique Sellers: 190
  • Average Sales Per Day: 7
  • Average Days to Sell: 82 days

Overview of The Row

The Row generated $88,706 in revenue last month with 203 items sold at an average price of $436.98. It had 190 unique sellers and an average sales rate of 6.55 items per day.

Market Position of The Row

The Row is positioned significantly higher than the overall marketplace averages, with an average sale price of $436.98 compared to $39.74 for all brands. It ranks at 163 in the marketplace.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
160 Peter Millar $90412 2602 $35 1830 17 days
161 Lands' End $90033 4734 $19 3807 141 days
162 Tumi $89214 860 $104 774 40 days
163 The Row $88706 203 $437 190 82 days
164 Maeve $88345 2547 $35 2193 19 days
165 Blundstone $88074 870 $101 735 33 days
166 Vionic $87339 2706 $32 2000 31 days

Sales Performance of The Row

The Row's items take an average of 82.41 days to sell, which is considerably faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.2 days). The brandโ€™s high average price point and consistent sales performance indicate strong demand.

Top Sellers of The Row on Poshmark

Top sellers for The Row include dcs33 with $3700.00 in sales, justbag_net with $3499.00, and micherho with $3250.00. These sellers collectively contributed significantly to the overall revenue, showcasing effective sales strategies and inventory management.

Top Sellers List

  1. dcs33 - Revenue: $3700.00
  2. justbag_net - Revenue: $3499.00
  3. micherho - Revenue: $3250.00

Recommendation ๐Ÿ‘

The Row shows strong performance with high average sale prices and faster-than-average selling times. The brand's high revenue and solid marketplace rank underscore its desirability.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and leveraging The Row's brand reputation. Highlighting the luxury aspect and unique features of items can further boost sales. Monitoring top sellers' strategies could provide useful insights for optimizing sales approaches.

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  • Revenue: $88345
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  • Avg Price: $35
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  • Items Sold: 870
  • Avg Price: $101
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  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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