Stuart Weitzman Sales Stats on Poshmark
Current Stuart Weitzman performance metrics on Poshmark (last 30 days)
- Revenue Rank: #116
- Total Revenue: $125706
- Items Sold: 1710
- Average Sale Price: $74
- Unique Sellers: 1534
- Average Sales Per Day: 55
- Average Days to Sell: 39 days
How Stuart Weitzman Performs on Poshmark
Stuart Weitzman generated $125,706.00 in revenue by selling 1,710 items on Poshmark last month. The brand holds the 116th rank among 1,000 brands on the platform.
Stuart Weitzman currently holds a 0.91% market share within the Poshmark marketplace. Ranked 116 out of 1,000 brands, it portrays a competitive presence within a diverse array of offerings.
Stuart Weitzman’s revenue significantly lags behind the top 10 brands, which average around $1.37 million monthly. This indicates a potential growth opportunity for the brand if marketing and seller engagement improve on the platform.
Rank | Brand | Total Revenue | Items Sold | Avg Sale Price | Unique Sellers | Avg Days to Sell |
113 | Rag & Bone | $127331 | 2628 | $48 | 2300 | 24 days |
114 | Brooks | $127273 | 3195 | $40 | 2180 | 14 days |
115 | For Love And Lemons | $126872 | 1808 | $70 | 1517 | 132 days |
116 | Stuart Weitzman | $125706 | 1710 | $74 | 1534 | 39 days |
117 | Frank & Eileen | $125532 | 1410 | $89 | 998 | 24 days |
118 | Tuckernuck | $123882 | 1808 | $69 | 1305 | 19 days |
119 | Pink Victoria's Secret | $123538 | 7322 | $17 | 4830 | 71 days |
Stuart Weitzman Pricing & Sales Data
The average price point for Stuart Weitzman items is $73.51, significantly above Poshmark's median sale price of $24. This positions the brand in the mid-to-premium price range on Poshmark, attracting quality-conscious buyers.
The average days to sell for Stuart Weitzman products is 39.36 days, which is notably quicker than the overall Poshmark average of 2008.52 hours. Daily sales average at 55.16, indicating a healthy turnover relative to marketplace standards.
Within the immediate ranking context, Crocs, Rag & Bone, and For Love And Lemons are direct competitors. Compared to these brands, Stuart Weitzman has a higher average price point but lower total revenue and item sales.
Stuart Weitzman competition on Poshmark
With 1,534 unique sellers, Stuart Weitzman has a moderate competition level on Poshmark. Seller success rates can be evaluated by the brand’s average sales per day, reflecting a promising engagement from resellers.
Most Successful Stuart Weitzman Sellers
- lux_resales - Monthly Revenue: $2138.00
- santiffe - Monthly Revenue: $800.00
- dreamcloset_ca2 - Monthly Revenue: $735.00
Should You Resell Stuart Weitzman on Poshmark? 👍
Stuart Weitzman demonstrates solid sales performance and strong revenue figures, making it a favorable choice for Poshmark resellers.
Potential ROI appears favorable, given the average price points that allow for substantial profit margins after accounting for Poshmark's fees and possible sourcing costs.
Challenges include rising competition among similar brands and possible fluctuations in consumer purchase behavior, especially during off-peak seasons.
Tips for Selling Stuart Weitzman
- Sharpen marketing techniques by enhancing product listings with high-quality images and engaging descriptions.
- Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and follow-backs to increase visibility.
- Offer bundle discounts to incentivize larger purchases and improve sell-through rates.
- Regularly track competitive brands and adjust pricing strategies to maintain an edge.
- Capitalize on seasonal trends by promoting relevant items during peak shopping times.