How well Jordan sells on Poshmark

Jordan sales on Poshmark: $222,840 revenue, 4095 items sold, avg price $54.42, 2970 sellers, current rank 61. Top sellers: basketballfan77, poshkicks, lauras3_closet.

Key Statistics for Jordan

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #61
  • Total Revenue: $222840
  • Items Sold: 4095
  • Average Sale Price: $54
  • Unique Sellers: 2970
  • Average Sales Per Day: 132
  • Average Days to Sell: 6 days

Overview of Jordan

In the past month, Jordan achieved a total revenue of $222,840.00 from 4095 items sold, with an average price of $54.42 per item. The brand engaged 2970 unique sellers, with an average of 132.10 sales per day and a selling time of 6.49 days. The brand is currently ranked 61st in the marketplace.

Market Position of Jordan

Jordan's average price per sale ($54.42) significantly surpasses the overall marketplace average revenue per sale ($39.74) and the median sale price ($23). Additionally, Jordan items sell much faster, averaging 6.49 days compared to the marketplace average of approximately 84.21 days (2021.17 hours). This indicates a strong market position in terms of price point and turnover rate.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
58 Old Navy $229951 18447 $12 12965 67 days
59 Doen $225345 1717 $131 1217 18 days
60 Chloe $224844 1046 $215 898 41 days
61 Jordan $222840 4095 $54 2970 6 days
62 Veronica Beard $222185 2154 $103 1691 25 days
63 Ariat $221942 6231 $36 4777 52 days
64 Mother $218044 3258 $67 2556 15 days

Sales Performance of Jordan

The brand's total revenue of $222,840.00 from 4095 items results in an average revenue per item that is higher than the marketplace average. With 132.10 sales per day, Jordan demonstrates a consistent and robust sales performance. The quick turnover time of 6.49 days to sell items indicates high demand and effective pricing strategies.

Top Sellers of Jordan on Poshmark

Top sellers such as basketballfan77 ($2115.00), poshkicks ($1776.00), and lauras3_closet ($1143.00) have significantly contributed to the overall revenue. These sellers are likely employing effective marketing and pricing strategies, possibly focusing on high-demand items or leveraging strong customer relationships.

Top Sellers List

  1. basketballfan77 - Revenue: $2115.00
  2. poshkicks - Revenue: $1776.00
  3. lauras3_closet - Revenue: $1143.00

Recommendation 👍

Jordan shows strong performance with high average selling prices, quick turnover rates, and significant contributions from top sellers. The brand's ability to outperform marketplace averages in key metrics suggests a well-managed presence on Poshmark.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to focus on maintaining competitive pricing and quick turnover. Leveraging promotions and bundling strategies could further enhance sales. New sellers should study the top performers to understand successful listing practices and customer engagement techniques.

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Veronica Beard

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  • Items Sold: 2154
  • Avg Price: $103
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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