How well Freebird By Steven sells on Poshmark

Freebird By Steven: $75,565 revenue, 734 items sold, Avg Price: $102.95, 638 sellers, 23.68 sales/day. High-value brand on Poshmark.

Key Statistics for Freebird By Steven

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #188
  • Total Revenue: $75565
  • Items Sold: 734
  • Average Sale Price: $103
  • Unique Sellers: 638
  • Average Sales Per Day: 24
  • Average Days to Sell: 45 days

Overview of Freebird By Steven

Freebird By Steven generated $75,565 in revenue with 734 items sold last month, achieving an average price of $102.95 per item. The brand had 638 unique sellers, with an average of 23.68 sales per day. Items took an average of 45.24 days to sell, and the brand ranked 188th overall.

Market Position of Freebird By Steven

Freebird By Steven significantly outperformed the overall marketplace in terms of revenue per sale ($102.95 vs. $39.74) and median sale price ($102.95 vs. $23). Its average days to sell (45.24) is much shorter than the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours). This indicates a strong market position with quick turnover and high-value sales.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
185 Faherty $76538 1878 $41 1584 25 days
186 Calvin Klein $75705 3507 $22 3044 12 days
187 Hand Crafted $75643 3392 $22 1128 127 days
188 Freebird By Steven $75565 734 $103 638 45 days
189 Citizens Of Humanity $74332 1346 $55 1207 36 days
190 Veja $74147 1204 $62 1089 24 days
191 Pendleton $73556 1882 $39 1583 28 days

Sales Performance of Freebird By Steven

The brand achieved a total revenue of $75,565 from 734 items, averaging $102.95 per item. With 638 unique sellers contributing, the average sales per day stood at 23.68. The average days to sell was 45.24, indicating a relatively quick turnover. The high average price per item and quick sales cycle highlight the brand's strong performance.

Top Sellers of Freebird By Steven on Poshmark

Top sellers included marybethemt ($1057.00), thatknoxshop ($665.00), and rainers17 ($610.00). These sellers contributed significantly to the brand's total revenue, indicating effective listing strategies and possibly larger inventories. Their success can serve as a model for other sellers in terms of pricing and item presentation.

Top Sellers List

  1. marybethemt - Revenue: $1057.00
  2. thatknoxshop - Revenue: $665.00
  3. rainers17 - Revenue: $610.00

Recommendation 👍

Freebird By Steven's performance metrics are significantly better than the overall marketplace averages, indicating it is a high-value brand with quick turnover.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing around the $100 mark and ensure quick listing of items to take advantage of the brand's strong demand. Observing top sellers for best practices in listing strategies can also be beneficial.

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