Freebird By Steven Sales Stats on Poshmark
Current Freebird By Steven performance metrics on Poshmark (last 30 days)
- Revenue Rank: #184
- Total Revenue: $80347
- Items Sold: 790
- Average Sale Price: $102
- Unique Sellers: 679
- Average Sales Per Day: 25
- Average Days to Sell: 43 days
How Freebird By Steven Performs on Poshmark
In the past month, Freebird By Steven generated a total revenue of $80,347 from 790 items sold, achieving a rank of 184 among brands on Poshmark.
Freebird By Steven holds a position of 184 out of 1000 brands on Poshmark, representing approximately 1.6% market share within the platform.
Freebird By Steven's revenue is significantly lower than the top 10 brands' average revenue of $1,375,901.10, suggesting a substantial opportunity for growth and increased market presence on Poshmark.
Rank | Brand | Total Revenue | Items Sold | Avg Sale Price | Unique Sellers | Avg Days to Sell |
181 | Brighton | $81063 | 2720 | $30 | 1651 | 19 days |
182 | Faherty | $80782 | 1937 | $42 | 1623 | 25 days |
183 | Show Me Your Mumu | $80739 | 1404 | $58 | 1213 | 27 days |
184 | Freebird By Steven | $80347 | 790 | $102 | 679 | 43 days |
185 | Asics | $80235 | 1954 | $41 | 1568 | 23 days |
186 | Khaite | $79837 | 250 | $319 | 232 | 68 days |
187 | Hand Crafted | $79508 | 3484 | $23 | 1211 | 129 days |
Freebird By Steven Pricing & Sales Data
With an average price of $101.71, Freebird By Steven positions itself on the premium end of Poshmark, significantly above the marketplace median sale price of $24.
The brand takes an average of 43.15 days to sell items, which is notably longer than Poshmark's overall average selling time of roughly 2008.52 hours, reflecting a slower sales velocity.
Within the immediate ranking niche (Ranks 180-188), Freebird By Steven exceeds its closest competitors in average sale price, but lags in total revenue generated, reflecting a potential growth area.
Freebird By Steven competition on Poshmark
Freebird By Steven has 679 unique sellers, indicating a competitive landscape with a diverse range of resellers active in the market.
Most Successful Freebird By Steven Sellers
- kaevarts - Monthly Revenue: $685.00
- rubyredrubies - Monthly Revenue: $600.00
- shanon1972 - Monthly Revenue: $568.00
Should You Resell Freebird By Steven on Poshmark? 👌
The premium pricing strategy poses a challenge due to high competition and slower sales velocity, making it a less straightforward option for new resellers.
Resellers can expect reasonable profit margins when sourcing Freebird By Steven, but must account for Poshmark fees to ensure profitability.
Competing with higher-selling brands in a popular segment and the slower turnover rate presents challenges when investing in Freebird By Steven.
Tips for Selling Freebird By Steven
- Optimize listings with engaging photos and accurate descriptions to enhance visibility.
- Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and hosting parties to increase brand awareness.
- Utilize competitive pricing strategies during off-peak seasons to boost sell-through rates.