How well Clare V sells on Poshmark

Clare V on Poshmark: $134019 revenue, 926 items sold, $144.73 avg price, 670 sellers, rank 105.

Key Statistics for Clare V

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #105
  • Total Revenue: $134019
  • Items Sold: 926
  • Average Sale Price: $145
  • Unique Sellers: 670
  • Average Sales Per Day: 30
  • Average Days to Sell: 19 days

Overview of Clare V

Clare V generated $134,019 in revenue last month with 926 items sold by 670 unique sellers. The average price per item was $144.73, and it took an average of 19.33 days for items to sell. The brand is currently ranked 105th on the marketplace.

Market Position of Clare V

Compared to overall marketplace averages, Clare V's average price per sale ($144.73) is significantly higher than the average revenue per sale across all brands ($39.74) and the median sale price ($23). This indicates a premium market position.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
102 Lulus $138421 4909 $28 3806 57 days
103 Pink Victoria's Secret $136110 8138 $17 5290 70 days
104 Staud $134266 1097 $122 962 36 days
105 Clare V $134019 926 $145 670 19 days
106 The North Face $133557 4231 $32 3594 6 days
107 Frank & Eileen $131126 1386 $95 946 24 days
108 Ann Taylor $131007 6354 $21 5053 68 days

Sales Performance of Clare V

Clare V's sales performance is strong with an average of 29.87 sales per day. The average days to sell for Clare V items is 19.33 days, which is much quicker compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days). This suggests high demand and efficient turnover for Clare V products.

Top Sellers of Clare V on Poshmark

The top sellers for Clare V last month were 600950 with $2237.00 in sales, bisousx3 with $1650.00, and classy_curation with $1305.00. These sellers significantly contributed to the overall revenue and demonstrate the potential for high earnings within this brand category.

Top Sellers List

  1. 600950 - Revenue: $2237.00
  2. bisousx3 - Revenue: $1650.00
  3. classy_curation - Revenue: $1305.00

Recommendation 👍

Clare V exhibits strong sales performance, high average prices, and a quick turnaround time. These factors make it a lucrative brand for sellers on Poshmark.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on sourcing and listing Clare V items given the high demand and premium pricing. Quick turnaround suggests keeping inventory fresh and updated to capitalize on fast sales cycles.

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