How well Citizens Of Humanity sells on Poshmark

Citizens Of Humanity on Poshmark: $74332 revenue, 1346 items sold, $55.22 avg price, 36.21 days to sell, ranked 189.

Key Statistics for Citizens Of Humanity

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #189
  • Total Revenue: $74332
  • Items Sold: 1346
  • Average Sale Price: $55
  • Unique Sellers: 1207
  • Average Sales Per Day: 43
  • Average Days to Sell: 36 days

Overview of Citizens Of Humanity

Citizens Of Humanity generated $74,332 in revenue last month with 1,346 items sold at an average price of $55.22. The brand had 1,207 unique sellers and an average sales rate of 43.42 items per day, with items taking an average of 36.21 days to sell. The brand ranked 189 in the marketplace.

Market Position of Citizens Of Humanity

Compared to the overall marketplace, Citizens Of Humanity has a significantly higher average revenue per sale ($55.22 vs. $39.74) and a higher median sale price than the marketplace average ($23). Items from this brand sell faster, taking 36.21 days on average compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
186 Calvin Klein $75705 3507 $22 3044 12 days
187 Hand Crafted $75643 3392 $22 1128 127 days
188 Freebird By Steven $75565 734 $103 638 45 days
189 Citizens Of Humanity $74332 1346 $55 1207 36 days
190 Veja $74147 1204 $62 1089 24 days
191 Pendleton $73556 1882 $39 1583 28 days
192 7 For All Mankind $73054 1950 $37 1697 21 days

Sales Performance of Citizens Of Humanity

The brand's total revenue of $74,332 from 1,346 items sold indicates strong performance. With an average price of $55.22, Citizens Of Humanity items are priced above the marketplace average, suggesting a premium brand perception. The relatively high number of unique sellers (1,207) shows broad seller interest and engagement. The average sales per day (43.42) and the average days to sell (36.21) are both positive indicators of the brand's demand and turnover rate.

Top Sellers of Citizens Of Humanity on Poshmark

Top sellers such as nwtbrands2love, chaparita2004, and kjh50 contributed significantly with revenues of $3,658, $690, and $566 respectively. nwtbrands2love stands out as a particularly successful seller, contributing nearly 5% of the total brand revenue. This indicates that certain sellers are highly effective in this category, likely due to inventory quality, pricing strategy, and reputation.

Top Sellers List

  1. nwtbrands2love - Revenue: $3658.00
  2. chaparita2004 - Revenue: $690.00
  3. kjh50 - Revenue: $566.00

Recommendation 👍

Citizens Of Humanity shows strong sales performance with higher-than-average prices and faster sales turnover compared to the overall marketplace. The brand's high average sale price and relatively quick sales cycle are advantageous for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to list Citizens Of Humanity items, focusing on maintaining quality and competitive pricing to leverage the brand's premium perception. New sellers should consider entering this category due to its strong performance metrics. Additionally, monitoring top sellers like nwtbrands2love for best practices could provide insights into successful selling strategies.

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