How well Cabi sells on Poshmark

Cabi on Poshmark: $70,890 revenue, 2,902 items sold, $24.43 avg price, 19 days to sell, 2004 sellers, rank 199.

Key Statistics for Cabi

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #199
  • Total Revenue: $70890
  • Items Sold: 2902
  • Average Sale Price: $24
  • Unique Sellers: 2004
  • Average Sales Per Day: 94
  • Average Days to Sell: 19 days

Overview of Cabi

Cabi generated $70,890 in revenue from 2,902 items sold last month. The average selling price was $24.43 with an average of 19 days to sell.

Market Position of Cabi

Cabi's average price of $24.43 is slightly above the median sale price of $23 across all brands. However, the average revenue per sale is lower than the overall marketplace average of $39.74.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
196 Kuhl $72027 2503 $29 2012 20 days
197 Hollister $71712 5043 $14 4266 106 days
198 Dyson $71417 452 $158 391 28 days
199 Cabi $70890 2902 $24 2004 19 days
200 Express $70545 3930 $18 3031 12 days
201 Amanda Uprichard $70477 918 $77 742 49 days
202 Christy Dawn $69277 524 $132 425 34 days

Sales Performance of Cabi

Cabi had a total of 2,902 items sold last month, averaging 93.61 sales per day. The average days to sell was 19.02, significantly faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84 days).

Top Sellers of Cabi on Poshmark

Top sellers like tdoulette ($697), bubulah1 ($686), and ashby_dawson ($647) contributed significantly to Cabi's sales. These sellers' performance indicates a high engagement and effective sales strategies.

Top Sellers List

  1. tdoulette - Revenue: $697.00
  2. bubulah1 - Revenue: $686.00
  3. ashby_dawson - Revenue: $647.00

Recommendation 👍

Cabi's relatively higher sales volume and faster turnover rate compared to the marketplace averages indicate strong demand and effective sales strategies.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing around $24, optimizing listings for quick sales, and leveraging strategies used by top sellers to enhance visibility and engagement.

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  • Avg Price: $77
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  • Items Sold: 5162
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