How well Bottega Veneta sells on Poshmark

Bottega Veneta on Poshmark: $236K revenue, 766 items sold, avg price $308.32, 47 days to sell, ranked 56th.

Key Statistics for Bottega Veneta

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #56
  • Total Revenue: $236172
  • Items Sold: 766
  • Average Sale Price: $308
  • Unique Sellers: 651
  • Average Sales Per Day: 25
  • Average Days to Sell: 47 days

Overview of Bottega Veneta

Bottega Veneta generated $236,172 in revenue last month on Poshmark, selling 766 items with an average price of $308.32. The brand had 651 unique sellers and an average of 24.71 sales per day.

Market Position of Bottega Veneta

Bottega Veneta ranks 56th in the marketplace, significantly outperforming the average revenue per sale ($39.74) and median sale price ($23) of all brands. The brand's average days to sell is notably lower at 47.03 days compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approx. 84.22 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
53 Dr. Martens $248571 3927 $63 3399 11 days
54 Frye $241327 2997 $81 2499 18 days
55 Under Armour $239678 13897 $17 9808 64 days
56 Bottega Veneta $236172 766 $308 651 47 days
57 Versace $231909 1499 $155 1150 23 days
58 Old Navy $229951 18447 $12 12965 67 days
59 Doen $225345 1717 $131 1217 18 days

Sales Performance of Bottega Veneta

With 766 items sold and an average price of $308.32, Bottega Veneta's total revenue is $236,172 for the last month. The brand's average sales per day is 24.71. The average days to sell (47.03) is much faster than the marketplace average, indicating strong demand and quick turnover.

Top Sellers of Bottega Veneta on Poshmark

Top sellers include rebag with $8158, justbag_net with $5198, and tribute_2_style with $4995 in revenue. These sellers likely benefit from high visibility and possibly a strong reputation, contributing to their significant sales figures.

Top Sellers List

  1. rebag - Revenue: $8158.00
  2. justbag_net - Revenue: $5198.00
  3. tribute_2_style - Revenue: $4995.00

Recommendation 👍

Bottega Veneta's performance is outstanding compared to marketplace averages, with high average prices, quick sales, and substantial revenue. The brand's rank of 56th further signifies its strong market position.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing and quick response times to capitalize on the brand's high demand. Investing in quality listings and leveraging high-ranking seller strategies can enhance visibility and sales.

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  • Items Sold: 5162
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