How well Veja sells on Poshmark

Veja on Poshmark: $74,147 revenue, 1,204 items sold, $61.58 avg price, 1,089 sellers, avg 38.84 sales/day in the past month.

Key Statistics for Veja

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #190
  • Total Revenue: $74147
  • Items Sold: 1204
  • Average Sale Price: $62
  • Unique Sellers: 1089
  • Average Sales Per Day: 39
  • Average Days to Sell: 24 days

Overview of Veja

In the past month, Veja generated a total revenue of $74,147 with 1,204 items sold. The average price per item was $61.58. There were 1,089 unique sellers, and the brand ranked 190th overall on Poshmark.

Market Position of Veja

Veja's average revenue per sale ($61.58) is significantly higher than the overall marketplace average ($39.74). The average time to sell (23.75 days) also indicates a faster turnover compared to the average time for all brands (2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
187 Hand Crafted $75643 3392 $22 1128 127 days
188 Freebird By Steven $75565 734 $103 638 45 days
189 Citizens Of Humanity $74332 1346 $55 1207 36 days
190 Veja $74147 1204 $62 1089 24 days
191 Pendleton $73556 1882 $39 1583 28 days
192 7 For All Mankind $73054 1950 $37 1697 21 days
193 Loeffler Randall $72881 702 $104 639 62 days

Sales Performance of Veja

Veja's sales performance is strong with an average of 38.84 sales per day. The high average price of $61.58 suggests a premium position within the marketplace. With 1,089 unique sellers, the brand demonstrates widespread seller engagement.

Top Sellers of Veja on Poshmark

The top three sellers – theexistentials ($789.00), solow_edit ($624.00), and greatdealsss ($556.00) – collectively contributed $1,969.00 to the total revenue. These sellers exemplify effective sales strategies and inventory management.

Top Sellers List

  1. theexistentials - Revenue: $789.00
  2. solow_edit - Revenue: $624.00
  3. greatdealsss - Revenue: $556.00

Recommendation 👍

Veja's higher-than-average sale price and faster turnover rate compared to the marketplace averages indicate strong demand and effective sales. The brand's performance is commendable.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing around $61.58 and aim for quick turnover to capitalize on the faster-than-average selling time. Leveraging the brand's strong market position can also involve highlighting premium aspects of Veja products to attract high-value buyers.

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  • Items Sold: 1346
  • Avg Price: $55
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  • Revenue: $73556
  • Items Sold: 1882
  • Avg Price: $39
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7 For All Mankind

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  • Items Sold: 1950
  • Avg Price: $37
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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