How well V. Chapman sells on Poshmark

V. Chapman achieved $72,217 in revenue with 249 items sold and an average price of $290.03 last month.

Key Statistics for V. Chapman

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #195
  • Total Revenue: $72217
  • Items Sold: 249
  • Average Sale Price: $290
  • Unique Sellers: 240
  • Average Sales Per Day: 8
  • Average Days to Sell: 66 days

Overview of V. Chapman

V. Chapman generated $72,217 in revenue from 249 items sold, averaging $290.03 per item. With 240 unique sellers, the brand had an average of 8.03 sales per day and took about 65.54 days to sell an item. The current rank is 195.

Market Position of V. Chapman

Compared to the overall marketplace, V. Chapman significantly outperforms with an average revenue per sale of $290.03, far exceeding the average of $39.74. The average days to sell an item (65.54 days) is much lower than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (~84.22 days), indicating faster sales velocity.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
192 7 For All Mankind $73054 1950 $37 1697 21 days
193 Loeffler Randall $72881 702 $104 639 62 days
194 Wrangler $72397 3354 $22 2670 14 days
195 V. Chapman $72217 249 $290 240 66 days
196 Kuhl $72027 2503 $29 2012 20 days
197 Hollister $71712 5043 $14 4266 106 days
198 Dyson $71417 452 $158 391 28 days

Sales Performance of V. Chapman

With $72,217 in total revenue and 249 items sold, V. Chapman has an impressive average sale price of $290.03. This indicates a high-value brand, attracting buyers willing to spend significantly more than the marketplace median of $23. The daily average sales of 8.03 demonstrate consistent performance.

Top Sellers of V. Chapman on Poshmark

Top sellers for V. Chapman include martziechic with $1455.00, queen_of_glam with $1175.00, and thornerach with $605.00 in sales. These top sellers contribute a noticeable portion of the revenue, suggesting a few high-performing sellers drive a significant part of the brand's success.

Top Sellers List

  1. martziechic - Revenue: $1455.00
  2. queen_of_glam - Revenue: $1175.00
  3. thornerach - Revenue: $605.00

Recommendation 👍

Given the high average sale price and faster turnover compared to the marketplace averages, V. Chapman is performing exceptionally well. The brand's ability to command higher prices and sell items more quickly makes it a valuable choice for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Encourage sellers to maintain or improve listing quality to keep attracting high-value buyers.,Highlight the brand's performance to attract more sellers to increase market penetration.,Analyze the strategies of top sellers like martziechic, queen_of_glam, and thornerach to identify best practices that can be shared with other sellers.

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